Hello Mani,

In your definition you just need to extend thomahawk.

Copy the decorator GlobalDecorator in your theme and define it like
*themes/xerus-theme/widget/Theme.xml (add) :
            <screen name="GlobalDecorator"/>

With this your condition and property on SidebarTemplateLocation is
unecessary because mandatory by your theme, so directly present on your
theme decorator code.


On 16/11/2021 11:37, Mahi maheshwari wrote:
> Hi,
> I have created the custom visual theme for my side-bar requirement by
> following this doc
> https://github.com/apache/ofbiz-framework/blob/trunk/themes/docs/themes.adoc
> but I want Tomahawk theme styles, so I copied all the css, js, images into
> my custom theme called "xerus-theme" by following this doc
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=74685960
> the entire custom theme folder structure is here
> <https://www.canva.com/design/DAEug3mJSbE/lDQDNfQMpMeYdygo5Ri1Iw/edit>
> below are the changes I have done
> *themes/xerus-theme/ofbiz-component.xml*
> <ofbiz-component name="xerus-theme"
>         xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";
>         xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="
> https://ofbiz.apache.org/dtds/ofbiz-component.xsd";>
>     <!-- define resource loaders; most common is to use the component
> resource loader -->
>     <resource-loader name="main" type="component"/>
>     <!-- entity resources: model(s), eca(s), group, and data definitions -->
>     <entity-resource type="data" reader-name="seed" loader="main"
> location="data/Xerus-themeThemeData.xml"/>
>     <!-- web applications -->
>     <webapp name="xerus-theme"
>         title="xerus-theme"
>         menu-name="secondary"
>         server="default-server"
>         location="webapp/xerus-theme"
>         mount-point="/xerus-theme"
>         app-bar-display="false"/>
> </ofbiz-component>
> *themes/xerus-theme/widget/Theme.xml  => here I have made an entry for
> sidebar as "VT_SIDEBAR_TMPLT_LOC". rest is same as tomahawk.*
> <theme name="xerus-theme"
>         xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";
>        xmlns="http://ofbiz.apache.org/Widget-Theme"; xsi:schemaLocation="
> http://ofbiz.apache.org/Widget-Theme
> http://ofbiz.apache.org/dtds/widget-theme.xsd";>
>     <visual-themes>
>         <visual-theme id="XERUS-THEME" display-name="xerus-theme">
>             <description>${util:label('CommonEntityLabels',
> 'VisualTheme.description.TOMAHAWK', locale)}</description>
>             <screenshot location="/tomahawk/screenshot.jpg"/>
>         </visual-theme>
>     </visual-themes>
>     <extends location="component://common-theme/widget/Theme.xml"/>
>     <extends location="component://tomahawk/widget/Theme.xml"/>
>     <theme-properties>
>         <!--template location-->
>         <property name="VT_HDR_TMPLT_LOC"
> value="component://xerus-theme/template/Header.ftl"/>
>         <property name="VT_FTR_TMPLT_LOC"
> value="component://xerus-theme/template/Footer.ftl"/>
>         <property name="VT_NAV_OPEN_TMPLT"
> value="component://xerus-theme/template/AppBarOpen.ftl"/>
>         <property name="VT_NAV_CLOSE_TMPLT"
> value="component://xerus-theme/template/AppBarClose.ftl"/>
>         *<property name="VT_SIDEBAR_TMPLT_LOC"
> value="component://xerus-theme/template/SideBar.ftl"/>*
>         <!-- <property name="VT_MSG_TMPLT_LOC"
> value="component://xerus-theme/template/includes/Messages.ftl"/> -->
>         <!--header image -->
>         <property name="VT_HDR_IMAGE_URL" value="/images/ofbiz_logo.png"/>
>         <!--javascript lib-->
>         <property name="VT_HDR_JAVASCRIPT['add']"
> value="/xerus-theme/js/dropdown.js"/>
>         <!--Css style-->
>         <property name="VT_STYLESHEET['add']"
> value="/xerus-theme/css/style.css"/>
>         <property name="VT_HELPSTYLESHEET['add']"
> value="/xerus-theme/css/help.css"/>
>         <property name="VT_DOCBOOKSTYLESHEET['add']"
> value="/xerus-theme/webapp/xerus-theme/css/docbook.css"/>
>     </theme-properties>
> </theme>
> *themes/xerus-theme/data/Xerus-themeThemeData.xml*
> <entity-engine-xml>
>     <VisualTheme visualThemeId="XERUS-THEME" visualThemeSetId="BACKOFFICE"
> description="xerus theme: the evolution of the tomahawk theme"/>
>     <VisualThemeResource visualThemeId="XERUS-THEME"
> resourceTypeEnumId="VT_STYLESHEET"
> resourceValue="component://xerus-theme/webapp/css/style.css"
> sequenceId="01"/>
>     <VisualThemeResource visualThemeId="XERUS-THEME"
> resourceTypeEnumId="VT_HDR_TMPLT_LOC"
> resourceValue="component://xerus-theme/template/Header.ftl"
> sequenceId="08"/>
>     <VisualThemeResource visualThemeId="XERUS-THEME"
> resourceTypeEnumId="VT_FTR_TMPLT_LOC"
> resourceValue="component://xerus-theme/template/Footer.ftl"
> sequenceId="10"/>
>     *<VisualThemeResource visualThemeId="XERUS-THEME"
> resourceTypeEnumId="VT_SIDEBAR_TMPLT_LOC"
> resourceValue="component://xerus-theme/template/SideBar.ftl"
> sequenceId="26"/>*
> </entity-engine-xml>
> *themes/common-theme/widget/CommonScreens.xml => GlobalDecorator Screen*
> <set field="SidebarTemplateLocation"
> form-field="layoutSettings.VT_SIDEBAR_TMPLT_LOC"/>
> *added this section for side-bar*
> <!-- render the navigation sidebar for xerus theme -->
>                 <section>
>                     <condition>
>                         <!-- <and> -->
>                             <!-- <if-empty field="SidebarTemplateLocation"
> /> -->
>                             <not>
>                                 <if-empty field="SidebarTemplateLocation" />
>                             </not>
>                         <!-- </and> -->
>                     </condition>
>                     <widgets>
>                         <platform-specific>
>                             <html>
>                                 <html-template
> location="${SidebarTemplateLocation}" />
>                             </html>
>                         </platform-specific>
>                     </widgets>
>                 </section>
> *themes/common-theme/widget/Theme.xml*
> added a property
> <property name="VT_SIDEBAR_TMPLT_LOC"
> value="component://xerus-theme/template/SideBar.ftl"/>
> *framework/common/data/CommonTypeData.xml*
> made an Enumeration entry for side-bar
> <Enumeration enumId="VT_SIDEBAR_TMPLT_LOC" description="navigation sidebar
> Template Location" enumTypeId="VT_RES_TYPE" sequenceId="26"/>
> *all the styles and templates(header, footer)  were rendered except
> side-bar.*
> I ran* gradlew "ofbiz --load-data readers=seed" *after all the changes.
> is this the correct way, or am I missing something?. I dont want to change
> the entire theme just wanted a side-bar in all the modules and sub-modules.
> the entire theme will be same as tomahawk but there will be an  added
> side-bar => please refer this image
> <https://www.canva.com/design/DAEv4oU4kAA/sxTXDow6JTFW-Q6LrCPoTw/edit> . I
> have extended Tomahawk theme in this custom theme.
> Thanks and Regards,
> Maheshwari.

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