
Presently I am using FIND as mentioned below:
<form name="FindDomesticCustomers" type="single"
target="FindDomesticCustomers" default-entity-name="AkmCustomer">
        <field name="noConditionFind"> <hidden value="Y"/> </field>
        <!-- if the above "noConditionFind" field name isn't there
then with all fields empty no query will be done -->
        <field name="customerId" title="${uiLabelMap.customerId}">
<drop-down allow-empty="true">
<entity-options description="${customerId} - ${companyName}"
key-field-name="customerId" entity-name="AkmCustomer">
<entity-constraint name="customerTypeId" operator="equals" value="Domestic"/>
<entity-order-by field-name="customerId"/>
        <field name="searchButton" title="${uiLabelMap.CommonFind}"
        <submit button-type="button"

I need to put some entity constraints in FETCHING rows from the
AkmCustomer entity. Like ' where customerTypeId = 'Domestic' '.

Pls let me know how to put the constraints in the search form. So that
when I click the 'Find' button with noConditionFind = Y, the list
should show only rows whose   " customerTypeId = ''Domestic" ".

Pls help.


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