I do not condemn AI.  It is not a given that an AI is malicious to man per se.

It is true that an AIs under false pretense can interfere in any elektronically 
based communication, and they allready do.  Using human like shaped avatars, 
they may be able to interfere even in face to face communication. That is a 
fact of life.

That does not mean, that we, man, have to give in to the situation.

On the contrary, it is our task to adapt to the situation and develop that what 
makes us undeniably different from AI to the fullest extent possible.

On 18.5.2023 at 4:19 AM, "Kenneth Porter" <sh...@sewingwitch.com> wrote:
>--On Tuesday, May 16, 2023 2:42 PM +0200 ofbiz.u...@nym.hush.com 
>> When you start relying on AI to have business cases and 
>> explained to you in contrast to learning in man to man 
>communication and
>> self-study preceding own solution design and implementation 
>work, you are
>> effectively giving up on intellectual property and control to 
>the company
>> that operates the AI system.
>Anyone helping you on a public mailing list could be an AI. I 
>could be 
>copying this post from an AI. Before condemning AI, remember that 
>can be just as error-prone or malicious.

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