
It will be good if the schema files are accessible from a real xml file,
but not in a part of web page.
For example
is exactly what Clement needs, but the URL is not ideal because it has a
revision number and it should not be in a Subversion.
Instead, it will be great if we could publish it shorter and more permanent
link type like

What users benefit from it is they can open any XML editor (e.g. Eclipse,
XMLSpy) and start with schemaLocation, then the editors will autocomplete
and suggests possible elements and attributes.

Clement, if it is what you want I can make a ticket and will see what I can

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<workflow-app xmlns="uri:oozie:workflow:0.4"

    <start to="next1"/>
    <action name="action1">
   <ok to="ok1"/>
   <error to="error1"/>

    <end name="end1"/>

On Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 10:41 AM, Clément MATHIEU <>wrote:

> On 2012-12-06 18:16, Alejandro Abdelnur wrote:
> Hi Alejandro,
>  They are avail in the Oozie docs:
> My goal is to use the schemas for validation purpose not documentation. By
> specifying the schema(s) location(s) in the document, or in a catalog, you
> allow the editor to validate the document on the fly and to provide
> auto-completion and documentation.
> If the schemas are not officially published, users have to deploy the
> schemas by themselves (or use the svn/github web interfaces when possible).
> Am I the only one to find this feature valuable ?
> - Clément

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