Try adding  <job-xml>hive-site.xml</job-xml> to your hive action.
Also make sure that the metastore uri:port is reachable from all the
machines on your hadoop cluster.

On Thu, Apr 17, 2014 at 2:31 PM, Manish Kothari

> Thanks for responding. The hive metastore service is running and also the
> hive.metastore.uris is pointing to the remote metastore.
> Here are the necessary files : -
> Job property file
> nameNode=hdfs://
> queueName=default
> oozie.use.system.libpath=true
> workflow Hive action:
> <action name="hive-gwcalls-staging">
>         <hive xmlns="uri:oozie:hive-action:0.2">
>             <job-tracker>${jobTracker}</job-tracker>
>             <name-node>${nameNode}</name-node>
>             <configuration>
>                 <property>
>                     <name></name>
>                     <value>true</value>
>                 </property>
>                <property>
>                     <name>oozie.hive.defaults</name>
>                     <value>hive-site.xml</value>
>                 </property>
>             </configuration>
>             <script>create_gw_calls_staging.hive</script>
>         </hive>
>         <ok to="end"/>
>         <error to="fail"/>
>    </action>
> Create_gw_calls_staging.hive
> CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE default.gw_calls_staging_a
> (
> gateway                             varchar(20),
> type                                varchar(10),
> site                                varchar(10),
> call_type                           varchar(20),
> call_reference_id                   int,
> start_timestamp                     timestamp,
> disconnect_timestamp                timestamp,
> disc_date                           date,
> disc_hour                           int,
> setup_to_connect                    float,
> record_type                         varchar(20),
> call_duration_secs                  float,
> first_release_source                int,
> cause_code                          int,
> cause_location                      int,
> calling_number                      varchar(20),
> calling_number_prefix               varchar(15),
> called_number                       varchar(20),
> called_number_prefix                varchar(15),
> route_index                         varchar(1),
> route_name                          varchar(32),
> originating_line_info               int,
> presentation_restriction            int,
> incoming_calling_number             varchar(20),
> t38_fax_call                        boolean,
> glare_encountered                   boolean,
> ingress_sip_call_id                 varchar(128),
> ingress_remote_sip_host             varchar(64),
> ingress_trunk_group                 varchar(32),
> ingress_cic                         int,
> ingress_local_media_host            varchar(64),
> ingress_local_media_port            int,
> ingress_remote_media_host           varchar(64),
> ingress_remote_media_port           int,
> ingress_orig_point_code             varchar(15),
> ingress_dest_point_code             varchar(15),
> ingress_codec_type                  varchar(16),
> ingress_rtp_packetization           int,
> ingress_num_bytes_sent              int,
> ingress_num_packets_sent            int,
> ingress_num_bytes_recv              int,
> ingress_num_packets_recv            int,
> ingress_num_packets_lost            int,
> ingress_jitter                      int,
> ingress_latency                     int,
> ingress_max_packet_outage           int,
> ingress_playout_quality             varchar(40),
> ingress_echo_cancellation           int,
> ingress_carrier                     varchar(32),
> egress_sip_call_id                  varchar(128),
> egress_remote_sip_host              varchar(64),
> egress_trunk_group                  varchar(32),
> egress_cic                          int,
> egress_local_media_host             varchar(64),
> egress_local_media_port             int,
> egress_remote_media_host            varchar(64),
> egress_remote_media_port            int,
> egress_orig_point_code              varchar(15),
> egress_dest_point_code              varchar(15),
> egress_codec_type                   varchar(16),
> egress_rtp_packetization            int,
> egress_num_bytes_sent               int,
> egress_num_packets_sent             int,
> egress_num_bytes_recv               int,
> egress_num_packets_recv             int,
> egress_num_packets_lost             int,
> egress_jitter                       int,
> egress_latency                      int,
> egress_max_packet_outage            int,
> egress_playout_quality              varchar(40),
> egress_echo_cancellation            int,
> egress_carrier                      varchar(32),
> session_id                          int,
> answer_filename                     varchar(64),
> release_filename                    varchar(64),
> inserted_timestamp                  timestamp,
> direction                           varchar(16),
> ingress_local_sip_host              varchar(64),
> egress_local_sip_host               varchar(64),
> calling_number_acct                 varchar(16),
> called_number_acct                  varchar(16),
> country_cd                          varchar(16),
> country                             varchar(64),
> lrn                                 varchar(50),
> class_of_service                    varchar(32),
> route_source                        varchar(16),
> gateway_hostname                    varchar(255),
> global_call_id                      varchar(255),
> called_number_country_code          varchar(15),
> called_number_country_iso           varchar(2),
> called_number_state                 varchar(64),
> called_number_country_is_possible   boolean,
> called_number_country_is_valid      boolean,
> dnis                                int,
> rank                                int,
> sip_status_code_sent                varchar(64),
> sip_status_code_received            varchar(64),
> flow_type                           varchar(25),
> flow_originator                     varchar(255),
> flow_terminator                     varchar(255),
> transfer_id                         varchar(255),
> post_dial_delay                     int,
> calling_number_country_code         varchar(15),
> calling_number_country_iso          varchar(2),
> calling_number_state                varchar(64),
> calling_number_country_is_possible  boolean,
> calling_number_country_is_valid     boolean,
> routing_type                        varchar(255),
> routing_prefix                      varchar(32)
> )
> COMMENT 'GW Calls Staging'
> STORED AS TEXTFILE LOCATION '/user/nkgupta/oozie/workflow/hiveinput';
> Hive-site.xml
> <!--Thu Apr 17 02:37:54 2014-->
>   <configuration>
>     <property>
>     <name>hive.optimize.reducededuplication.min.reducer</name>
>     <value>1</value>
>   </property>
>     <property>
>     <name>javax.jdo.option.ConnectionURL</name>
>     <value>jdbc:oracle:thin:@//
>   </property>
>     <property>
>     <name></name>
>     <value>true</value>
>   </property>
>     <property>
>     <name>datanucleus.validateColumns</name>
>     <value>false</value>
>   </property>
>     <property>
>     <name>hive.optimize.index.filter</name>
>     <value>true</value>
>   </property>
>     <property>
>     <name>hive.optimize.reducededuplication</name>
>     <value>true</value>
>   </property>
>     <property>
>     <name>hive.mapjoin.bucket.cache.size</name>
>     <value>10000</value>
>   </property>
>     <property>
>     <name>hive.optimize.bucketmapjoin</name>
>     <value>true</value>
>   </property>
>     <property>
>     <name>javax.jdo.option.ConnectionUserName</name>
>     <value>hive</value>
>   </property>
>     <property>
>     <name>hive.enforce.bucketing</name>
>     <value>true</value>
>   </property>
>     <property>
>     <name>hive.metastore.uris</name>
>     <value>thrift://
> </value>
>   </property>
>     <property>
>     <name>hive.semantic.analyzer.factory.impl</name>
>     <value>org.apache.hivealog.cli.HCatSemanticAnalyzerFactory</value>
>   </property>
>     <property>
>     <name></name>
>     <value>1000000000</value>
>   </property>
>     <property>
>     <name>hive.optimize.bucketmapjoin.sortedmerge</name>
>     <value>true</value>
>   </property>
>     <property>
>     <name></name>
>     <value>true</value>
>   </property>
>     <property>
>     <name></name>
>     <value>true</value>
>   </property>
>     <property>
>     <name></name>
>     <value>true</value>
>   </property>
>     <property>
>     <name></name>
>     <value>true</value>
>   </property>
>     <property>
>     <name>hive.metastore.client.socket.timeout</name>
>     <value>60</value>
>   </property>
>     <property>
>     <name>hive.optimize.mapjoin.mapreduce</name>
>     <value>true</value>
>   </property>
>     <property>
>     <name></name>
>     <value>false</value>
>   </property>
>     <property>
>     <name>javax.jdo.option.ConnectionDriverName</name>
>     <value>oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver</value>
>   </property>
>     <property>
>     <name>hive.vectorized.execution.enabled</name>
>     <value>false</value>
>   </property>
>     <property>
>     <name>hive.enforce.sorting</name>
>     <value>true</value>
>   </property>
>     <property>
>     <name>fs.hdfs.impl.disable.cache</name>
>     <value>true</value>
>   </property>
>     <property>
>     <name>hive.mapred.reduce.tasks.speculative.execution</name>
>     <value>false</value>
>   </property>
>     <property>
>     <name>fs.file.impl.disable.cache</name>
>     <value>true</value>
>   </property>
>     <property>
>     <name></name>
> <value></value>
>   </property>
>     <property>
>     <name>hive.metastore.execute.setugi</name>
>     <value>true</value>
>   </property>
>     <property>
>     <name>hive.metastore.cache.pinobjtypes</name>
>     <value>Table,Database,Type,FieldSchema,Order</value>
>   </property>
>     <property>
>     <name>hive.metastore.warehouse.dir</name>
>     <value>/apps/hive/warehouse</value>
>   </property>
>     <property>
>     <name>hive.server2.enable.doAs</name>
>     <value>true</value>
>   </property>
>   </configuration>
> Thanks,
> Manish Kothari
> Oracle Business Analyst
> Vonage | 23 Main Street | Holmdel, NJ  07733-2136
> t: +1.732.203.7613 | BB: +1.848.248.9615
> e:
> w:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Amit Patil []
> Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2014 4:56 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Oozie job with hive action completes successfully but does
> not create table
> Its because your oozie hive action is not connecting to the hive metastore.
> You need to start the hive metastore service. Refer
> Once you start your remote metastore, make the required changes in the
> hive-site.xml which your oozie application is using. This includes changing
> the property hive.metastore.uris to point to the remote metastore.
> This should work.
> On Thu, Apr 17, 2014 at 1:51 PM, Manish Kothari
> <>wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have written an oozie job with hive action. It completes
> > successfully but does not create a table in hive. When I execute the
> > hive query independently it creates the table. Any help in this regard
> is appreciated.
> >
> > Here is the oozie log file : -
> >
> > 2014-04-17 20:35:53,445  INFO ActionStartXCommand:539 - USER[root]
> > GROUP[-] TOKEN[-] APP[hive-gwcalls-insert-wf]
> > JOB[0000016-140415213056450-oozie-oozi-W]
> > ACTION[0000016-140415213056450-oozie-oozi-W@:start:] Start action
> > [0000016-140415213056450-oozie-oozi-W@:start:] with user-retry state :
> > userRetryCount [0], userRetryMax [0], userRetryInterval [10]
> > 2014-04-17 20:35:53,445  WARN ActionStartXCommand:542 - USER[root]
> > GROUP[-] TOKEN[-] APP[hive-gwcalls-insert-wf]
> > JOB[0000016-140415213056450-oozie-oozi-W]
> > ACTION[0000016-140415213056450-oozie-oozi-W@:start:]
> > [***0000016-140415213056450-oozie-oozi-W@:start:***]Action status=DONE
> > 2014-04-17 20:35:53,446  WARN ActionStartXCommand:542 - USER[root]
> > GROUP[-] TOKEN[-] APP[hive-gwcalls-insert-wf]
> > JOB[0000016-140415213056450-oozie-oozi-W]
> > ACTION[0000016-140415213056450-oozie-oozi-W@:start:]
> > [***0000016-140415213056450-oozie-oozi-W@:start:***]Action updated in
> DB!
> > 2014-04-17 20:35:53,601  INFO ActionStartXCommand:539 - USER[root]
> > GROUP[-] TOKEN[-] APP[hive-gwcalls-insert-wf]
> > JOB[0000016-140415213056450-oozie-oozi-W]
> > ACTION[0000016-140415213056450-oozie-oozi-W@hive-gwcalls-staging]
> > Start action
> > [0000016-140415213056450-oozie-oozi-W@hive-gwcalls-staging] with
> > user-retry state : userRetryCount [0], userRetryMax [0],
> > userRetryInterval [10]
> > 2014-04-17 20:35:54,619  WARN HiveActionExecutor:542 - USER[root]
> > GROUP[-] TOKEN[-] APP[hive-gwcalls-insert-wf]
> > JOB[0000016-140415213056450-oozie-oozi-W]
> > ACTION[0000016-140415213056450-oozie-oozi-W@hive-gwcalls-staging]
> > credentials is null for the action
> > 2014-04-17 20:35:57,073  INFO HiveActionExecutor:539 - USER[root]
> > GROUP[-] TOKEN[] APP[hive-gwcalls-insert-wf]
> > JOB[0000016-140415213056450-oozie-oozi-W]
> > ACTION[0000016-140415213056450-oozie-oozi-W@hive-gwcalls-staging]
> > checking action, external ID [job_1397592572894_0174] status [RUNNING]
> > 2014-04-17 20:35:57,074  WARN ActionStartXCommand:542 - USER[root]
> > GROUP[-] TOKEN[-] APP[hive-gwcalls-insert-wf]
> > JOB[0000016-140415213056450-oozie-oozi-W]
> > ACTION[0000016-140415213056450-oozie-oozi-W@hive-gwcalls-staging]
> > [***0000016-140415213056450-oozie-oozi-W@hive-gwcalls-staging***]Actio
> > n
> > status=RUNNING
> > 2014-04-17 20:35:57,075  WARN ActionStartXCommand:542 - USER[root]
> > GROUP[-] TOKEN[-] APP[hive-gwcalls-insert-wf]
> > JOB[0000016-140415213056450-oozie-oozi-W]
> > ACTION[0000016-140415213056450-oozie-oozi-W@hive-gwcalls-staging]
> > [***0000016-140415213056450-oozie-oozi-W@hive-gwcalls-staging***]Actio
> > n
> > updated in DB!
> > 2014-04-17 20:36:29,057  INFO CallbackServlet:539 - USER[-] GROUP[-]
> > TOKEN[-] APP[-] JOB[0000016-140415213056450-oozie-oozi-W]
> > ACTION[0000016-140415213056450-oozie-oozi-W@hive-gwcalls-staging]
> > callback for action
> > [0000016-140415213056450-oozie-oozi-W@hive-gwcalls-staging]
> > 2014-04-17 20:36:29,509  INFO HiveActionExecutor:539 - USER[root]
> > GROUP[-] TOKEN[-] APP[hive-gwcalls-insert-wf]
> > JOB[0000016-140415213056450-oozie-oozi-W]
> > ACTION[0000016-140415213056450-oozie-oozi-W@hive-gwcalls-staging]
> > action completed, external ID [job_1397592572894_0174]
> > 2014-04-17 20:36:29,542  INFO HiveActionExecutor:539 - USER[root]
> > GROUP[-] TOKEN[-] APP[hive-gwcalls-insert-wf]
> > JOB[0000016-140415213056450-oozie-oozi-W]
> > ACTION[0000016-140415213056450-oozie-oozi-W@hive-gwcalls-staging]
> > action produced output
> > 2014-04-17 20:36:29,771  INFO ActionStartXCommand:539 - USER[root]
> > GROUP[-] TOKEN[-] APP[hive-gwcalls-insert-wf]
> > JOB[0000016-140415213056450-oozie-oozi-W]
> > ACTION[0000016-140415213056450-oozie-oozi-W@end] Start action
> > [0000016-140415213056450-oozie-oozi-W@end] with user-retry state :
> > userRetryCount [0], userRetryMax [0], userRetryInterval [10]
> > 2014-04-17 20:36:29,771  WARN ActionStartXCommand:542 - USER[root]
> > GROUP[-] TOKEN[-] APP[hive-gwcalls-insert-wf]
> > JOB[0000016-140415213056450-oozie-oozi-W]
> > ACTION[0000016-140415213056450-oozie-oozi-W@end]
> > [***0000016-140415213056450-oozie-oozi-W@end***]Action status=DONE
> > 2014-04-17 20:36:29,772  WARN ActionStartXCommand:542 - USER[root]
> > GROUP[-] TOKEN[-] APP[hive-gwcalls-insert-wf]
> > JOB[0000016-140415213056450-oozie-oozi-W]
> > ACTION[0000016-140415213056450-oozie-oozi-W@end]
> > [***0000016-140415213056450-oozie-oozi-W@end***]Action updated in DB!
> > 2014-04-17 20:36:29,887  WARN CoordActionUpdateXCommand:542 -
> > USER[root] GROUP[-] TOKEN[] APP[hive-gwcalls-insert-wf]
> > JOB[0000016-140415213056450-oozie-oozi-W] ACTION[-] E1100: Command
> > precondition does not hold before execution, [, coord action is null],
> > Error Code: E1100
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Manish Kothari
> > Oracle Business Analyst
> > Vonage | 23 Main Street | Holmdel, NJ  07733-2136
> > t: +1.732.203.7613 | BB: +1.848.248.9615
> > e:<>
> > w:<>
> >
> >

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