
Apache Oozie is a workflow scheduler system to manage Apache Hadoop jobs.

The Apache Oozie team is pleased to announce the release of Oozie 5.2.0.
Oozie 5.2.0 includes new features, bug fixes, and minor improvements.

The details of the release and download location can be found at

The full release notes can be found at the download location, but some
highlights of this release include:

- Improved Java 11 compatibility ( OOZIE-3459 )
- Improved S3 support ( OOZIE-3529 )
- Escape quotes whitespaces in Sqoop <command> field ( OOZIE-2949 )
- Exclusion pattern for sharelib JARs ( OOZIE-1624 )
- Submitting users home directory permissions bugfix ( OOZIE-3478 )
- Coordinator/bundle libpath bugfix ( OOZIE-3415 )
- Reducing Guava usage ( OOZIE-3521 )
- Migrate from obsolete third party libraries (joda, commons-lang 2.x,
- Third party dependency revamp

Thanks to all developers, QA's, users, and committers for making this
release happen.


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