
I tried to install the latest revision of OM 2.1 (r1447988) but the
installation process will not complete.

This is what mysql tells me:

| Tables_in_openmeetings  |
| address                 |
| appointmentcategory     |
| appointmentremindertyps |
| appointments            |
| chat                    |
| client                  |
| conferencelog           |
| conferencelogtype       |
| configuration           |
| errortypes              |
| fieldlanguage           |
| fieldlanguagesvalues    |
| fieldvalues             |
| fileexploreritem        |
| flvrecording            |
| flvrecording_log        |
| flvrecording_meta_delta |
| flvrecording_metadata   |
| invitations             |
| ldapconfig              |
| meeting_members         |
| meetme                  |
| naviglobal              |
| navimain                |
| om_timezone             |
| om_user                 |
| organisation            |
| organisation_users      |
| poll_types              |
| private_message         |
| private_messages_folder |
| room                    |
| room_poll_answers       |
| room_polls              |
| rooms_moderator         |
| rooms_organisation      |
| roomtype                |
| salutation              |
| server                  |
| sessiondata             |
| sipusers                |
| soaplogin               |
| state                   |
| user_contact            |
| user_data               |
| user_level              |
| whiteboard              |
| whiteboard_item         |
48 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> show variables like "character_set_database";
| Variable_name          | Value |
| character_set_database | utf8  |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SHOW CREATE DATABASE openmeetings;
| Database     | Create Database                                          
| openmeetings | CREATE DATABASE `openmeetings` /*!40100 DEFAULT CHARACTER
SET utf8 */ |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Here you can find the red5.log:

and here you can find the openmeetings.log:

The error.log was empty.

Thank you for your help!

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