Additionally red5sip connects to red5 server directly, not to the swf
client, so contents of config.xml is ignored while connecting by red5sip

On 27 July 2014 12:37, Maxim Solodovnik <> wrote:

> Hello Horas,
> Please write to user mailing list.
> I currently have no host configured in /webapps/openmeetings/public/
> config.xml file, all hosts are allowed
> Why do you need to limit host in this file?
> On 27 July 2014 04:44, Horace Miles <>
> wrote:
>> Hi Maxim,
>> Can I have your thoughts on the following:
>> I am unable to get the sip agent to bind to  It refuses to
>> bind unless I have bind it to the same address that is in red5home
>> /webapps/openmeetings/public/config.xml
>> The problem appears to be either that the SIP protocol wants to use
>> for the subscribe or invites and SIP agent is bound to the Public
>> IP address.  Therefore it is generating the error for seqno 2 which would
>> be the SIP Invite (I am assuming).   I have not been able to get the SIP
>> tansport to bind to which would probably solve this problem.
>> Your thoughts/
>> *From:* Maxim Solodovnik []
>> *Sent:* Friday, July 25, 2014 7:22 AM
>> *To:* Horace Miles
>> *Subject:* Re: VOIP and Sip Integration
>> hope you will be able to fix it, please let ne know if additional help is
>> required
>> On 25 July 2014 20:53, Horace Miles <>
>> wrote:
>> Hey thanks for the files.
>> I compared and I have found the following:
>> It appears the integration is setup for for a box that is NAT’ed.  I
>> thought openmeetings had to be on a static public IP address?
>> So I changed every place that is referencing to my IP address.
>> The Sip Agent/Openmeetings Manager does not come into the room until I
>> restart Asterisk.  I can see it successfully logging on and then
>> immediately logging off.   The room is successfully spawned.
>> There seem to be a problem with the manager once it signs on with the sip
>> handshake (again I am guessing)
>> chan_sip.c:4164 retrans_pkt:  Retransmission timeout reached on
>> transmission  #########@ for seqno 2 (Critical Response) see……
>> Packet timed out afer 32000ms with no response.
>> I will load wireshark later today on the PBX to see what else I might
>> find.
>> Thanks for all your help.
>> *From:* Maxim Solodovnik []
>> *Sent:* Thursday, July 24, 2014 8:44 AM
>> *To:* Horace Miles
>> *Subject:* Re: VOIP and Sip Integration
>> uploaded
>> On 24 July 2014 20:40, Horace Miles <>
>> wrote:
>> Maxim,
>> Thanks I appreciate it very much.
>> I have created you an account on my cloud server :
>> Login: mmaxim
>> Password: chief123
>> There is a shared folder labeled openmeetings.  You can upload the files
>> there.  You have 5 GB of space.
>> Let me know if you have any problems with this.  I won’t be available
>> again until tonight but I will look at that time.
>> Thanks a million
>> Miles
>> *From:* Maxim Solodovnik []
>> *Sent:* Wednesday, July 23, 2014 7:10 AM
>> *To:* Openmeetings user-list
>> *Subject:* Re: VOIP and Sip Integration
>> I can privately send you all mine asterisk config files, so you can
>> compare
>> additionally I can send both red5sip and OM, but I need some place like
>> dropbox for this
>> On 23 July 2014 20:51, Horace Miles <>
>> wrote:
>> OK I will down load this evening and see what happens..
>> *From:* Maxim Solodovnik []
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, July 22, 2014 11:28 PM
>> *To:* Openmeetings user-list
>> *Subject:* Re: VOIP and Sip Integration
>> Hello Horace,
>> just have checked, 3.0.3 seems to work as expected (at least 'SIP
>> Transport' sitting in the room)
>> There are some NPEs in logs (will take a looks at it as soon as will have
>> some time)
>> On 23 July 2014 12:13, Horace Miles <>
>> wrote:
>> Ok thanks Maxim
>> *From:* Maxim Solodovnik []
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, July 22, 2014 7:17 AM
>> *To:* Openmeetings user-list
>> *Subject:* Re: VOIP and Sip Integration
>> I'll try to find server with configured Asterisk and try to double-check
>> On 22 July 2014 20:37, Horace Miles <>
>> wrote:
>> Thanks I made the change prior to sending the email.  There appears to be
>> something else missing:
>> There appears to be a entry missing in the /etc/asterisk/func_odbc.conf:
>> file for ${EXTEN}
>> I am probably wrong.  But I can’t figure out how this is making the call
>> to the database.
>> I don’t find any SQL statement in the /etc/asterisk/func_odbc.conf file
>> and I am not sure how to construct one there that would work.
>> Would I simply add
>> [EXTEN]
>> dsn=asterisk
>> readsql=SELECT confno from room where confno = @EXTEN – NOT SURE HOW TO
>> Thanks ahead of time
>> Miles
>> *From:* Maxim Solodovnik []
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, July 22, 2014 6:23 AM
>> *To:* Openmeetings user-list
>> *Subject:* Re: VOIP and Sip Integration
>> yes, this line need to be corrected
>> openmeetings/rooms -> openmeetings/room
>> guess this is the problem
>> On 22 July 2014 19:43, Horace Miles <>
>> wrote:
>> Thanks Maxim,
>> I have been trying to figure this out, I am knew to it all but on a steep
>> learning curve.
>> I do have a question about the asterisk extensions.conf
>> exten =>
>> _400X!,1,GotoIf($[${DB_EXISTS(openmeetings/rooms/${EXTEN})}]?ok:notavail)
>> Does the above line check the openmeetings database rooms table for the
>> confno and returns ok if it finds it and notavail if it doesn’t?
>> I am getting the following warning:
>> Chan_sip.c.:25184 handle_request_infite:  Call from ‘red5sip_user’ (
>> to extension ‘40016’ rejected because extension not found
>> in context “rooms-red5sip”  I don’t recall seeing this error before.  But
>> if the “exten” line is checking the database openmeetings and looking for
>> rooms table it does not exist.  There is a table name room but no rooms.
>> Am I reading this correctly?
>> *From:* Maxim Solodovnik []
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, July 22, 2014 4:27 AM
>> *To:* Openmeetings user-list
>> *Subject:* Re: VOIP and Sip Integration
>> AFAIK dial in/out conference room was working as expected
>> Not sure if we still have infrastructure test current version
>> Will try to ask someone
>> On 21 July 2014 20:17, Horace Miles <>
>> wrote:
>> Ok on the sip transport, I will try to figure out why it keep popping in
>> and out.
>> However, I am not understanding concerning the Asterisk config.   The
>> asterisk config I am using is from the install and modification as stated
>> from the VOIP/SIP 3.0 integration package.  The instructions don’t say a
>> sip trunk or outside provider is required.  However, I am unable to
>> succesfull make calls from a conference room to a phone and visa versa.
>> Which I thought I was suppose to be able to do after the integration.  Per
>> the below instructions  I guess I am asking what am I missing from below?
>> *Feature Matrix:*
>> *Feature*
>> *Description*
>> 1) Dial-In
>> A phone number is provided which you can give to anybody to "Dial-In" via
>> usual landlane/phone into the conference room of OpenMeetings - Every room
>> has its own phone number. Currently room gets number
>> like 400<Id of room>. Maybe should move phone prefix to settings,
>> currently it hardcoded.
>> 2) Dial-Out
>> The users in the conference room can call anybody outside of the
>> conference room by entering the phone number in the conference room - In
>> room actions menu exist "SIP dialer". When user clicked dialer window
>> appears.
>> Currently calls can't be dropped from Openmeetings, tbd
>> 3) Multiple Dial-In
>> You can give away multiple numbers and do the same as described in case
>> (1). Multiple Dial-In is achieved by configuring the SIP-server (Asterisk).
>> It is possible to create multiple extensions (phone numbers) in Asterisk
>> configuration that will be redirects to single conference room.
>> 4) Multiple Dial-Out
>> You can dial multiple numbers from within the conference room - From
>> within conference can be dialed multiple numbers.
>> *Main difference to native Red5-Phone project*
>> *rom:* Maxim Solodovnik []
>> *Sent:* Monday, July 21, 2014 5:36 AM
>> *To:* Openmeetings user-list
>> *Subject:* Re: VOIP and Sip Integration
>> If I do remember correctly
>> SIP transport should enter the room and be in room as long as there other
>> users in it.
>> Possibility to call to phone numbers depends on your Asterisk config.
>> I'll try to fix documentation ASAP
>> On 21 July 2014 18:55, Horace Miles <>
>> wrote:
>> Thanks Maxim,
>> Let me make sure I understand about the sip transport.  It should not be
>> popping in and out of the room?  On my box I keep getting Sip Transport has
>> exited the room.
>> When properly configured, should I be able to call land and cell phones
>> without a need for another server or;
>> 1.        Do I need to subscribe to a VOIP service provider
>> 2.       Configure Asterisk as a sip trunk to use google voice or some
>> other solution?
>> Also if you could have someone correct this line in the instructions of
>> extensions.conf it will help to eliminate at least one error
>> *[rooms-red5sip]exten =>
>> _400X!,1,GotoIf($[${DB_EXISTS(openmeetings/rooms/${EXTEN})}]?ok:notavil)
>> <<<<<<<<<<<< should be “notavail” exten =>
>> _400X!,n(ok),Confbridge(${EXTEN},default_bridge,red5sip_user)exten =>
>> _400X!,n(notavail),Hangup *
>> *Thanks ahead of time*
>> *From:* Maxim Solodovnik []
>> *Sent:* Monday, July 21, 2014 4:00 AM
>> *To:* Openmeetings user-list
>> *Subject:* Re: VOIP and Sip Integration
>> Hello Horace,
>> jsvc can be used to start java application as service
>> I don't really like it (it was unstable when I used it)
>> I prefer to write init.d script
>> I see no errors in your log
>> If everything is OK SIP transport should be in the room
>> All 3 logs should be checked to have no errors
>> I usually run asterisk in debug mode while setting everything up
>> On 20 July 2014 23:55, Horace Miles <>
>> wrote:
>> Additonally the VOIP and SIP integration 3.0  instructions  do not
>> mention installing jsvc.  Is it still a requirement to install jsvc under
>> 3.0 as it was under 2.0?:
>>  *apt-get install jsvc*
>> *From:* Maxim Solodovnik []
>> *Sent:* Friday, July 18, 2014 11:18 AM
>> *To:* Openmeetings user-list
>> *Subject:* Re: VOIP and Sip Integration
>> will try to take a look a look at it tomorrow, too late here ...
>> On 19 July 2014 00:59, Horace Miles <>
>> wrote:
>> Ok I will restart red5sip service and red5 and then send a new log
>> *From:* Maxim Solodovnik []
>> *Sent:* Friday, July 18, 2014 10:06 AM
>> *To:* Openmeetings user-list
>> *Subject:* Re: VOIP and Sip Integration
>> got the full trace in other email, will try to check code
>> On 18 July 2014 23:22, Horace Miles <>
>> wrote:
>> Did miss understand what you were asking for?
>> *From:* Maxim Solodovnik []
>> *Sent:* Friday, July 18, 2014 8:56 AM
>> *To:* Openmeetings user-list
>> *Subject:* Re: VOIP and Sip Integration
>> would be more helpful to get full stack instead of "Red5sip log : Error
>> o.z.s.p.SipProvider: java.lang.NullPointerException:  Null"
>> On 18 July 2014 22:37, Horace Miles <>
>> wrote:
>> Openmeetings log says confBridgeList authentication is failing.  I will
>> check to make sure I didn’t change a password there..
>> Red5sip log : Error o.z.s.p.SipProvider: java.lang.NullPointerException:
>> Null
>> *From:* Maxim Solodovnik []
>> *Sent:* Friday, July 18, 2014 8:43 AM
>> *To:* Openmeetings user-list
>> *Subject:* Re: VOIP and Sip Integration
>> this "I have a sip transport that keeps popping in and out of the room."
>> usually mean something configured wrong.
>> Any exceptions in the logs (openmeetings.log and red5sip.log
>> On 18 July 2014 22:15, Horace Miles <>
>> wrote:
>> Sorry also Asterisk 11
>> *From:* Maxim Solodovnik []
>> *Sent:* Friday, July 18, 2014 8:10 AM
>> *To:* Openmeetings user-list
>> *Subject:* Re: VOIP and Sip Integration
>> Additionally, what version are you using?
>> On 18 July 2014 21:52, Horace Miles <>
>> wrote:
>> Probably not, since I just went into a public room.. let me create a
>> room..
>> *From:* Maxim Solodovnik []
>> *Sent:* Friday, July 18, 2014 8:07 AM
>> *To:* Openmeetings user-list
>> *Subject:* Re: VOIP and Sip Integration
>> Do you have "*Enable SIP transport in the room*" checked for the room
>> you are testing?
>> On 18 July 2014 21:48, Horace Miles <>
>> wrote:
>> Maxim thanks for the reply, I went back and rechecked my setup.  I have
>> completed all the steps according to the integration document.
>> I found the following document on the wiki:
>> According to this document I should get a sip dialer under the rooms
>> actions menu.  But I have no dialer there.
>> The only error I see in the red5sip window is
>> 18 Jul 07:50:11 . [nioProcessor-2]:[INFO ]
>> o.r.c.n.r.BaseRTMPClienthandler: No Service provider / method not found; to
>> handle calls like onBWCheck, add a service provider.  (it is my
>> understanding this error is to be expect as it is not being used?)
>> So where would I start to try and figure out why there is no sip dialer
>> available?
>> *From:* Maxim Solodovnik []
>> *Sent:* Friday, July 18, 2014 7:15 AM
>> *To:* Openmeetings user-list
>> *Subject:* Re: VOIP and Sip Integration
>> On 18 July 2014 20:52, Horace Miles <>
>> wrote:
>> It is nice that Openmeetings provided a way to integrate VOIP and Sip
>> with Asterisk.  That being said, I can find no documentation that tells the
>> following:
>> If the integration was successful?
>> What icons should show up where etc.
>> What actions can be taken by an admin or a user for that matter i.e. how
>> to make a phone call out or in.
>> Did I miss something somewhere?
>> Miles
>> --
>> WBR
>> Maxim aka solomax
>> --
>> WBR
>> Maxim aka solomax
>> --
>> WBR
>> Maxim aka solomax
>> --
>> WBR
>> Maxim aka solomax
>> --
>> WBR
>> Maxim aka solomax
>> --
>> WBR
>> Maxim aka solomax
>> --
>> WBR
>> Maxim aka solomax
>> --
>> WBR
>> Maxim aka solomax
>> --
>> WBR
>> Maxim aka solomax
>> --
>> WBR
>> Maxim aka solomax
>> --
>> WBR
>> Maxim aka solomax
>> --
>> WBR
>> Maxim aka solomax
>> --
>> WBR
>> Maxim aka solomax
>> --
>> WBR
>> Maxim aka solomax
>> --
>> WBR
>> Maxim aka solomax
>> --
>> WBR
>> Maxim aka solomax
> --
> Maxim aka solomax

Maxim aka solomax

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