there is no such ATM, could you please file JIRA regarding this
Please NOTE ffmpeg parameters were tuned so resulting file is playable on
all OSes (including mobile Safari of iPhone 4)
Other codecs might result not playable video ....

On Fri, Oct 13, 2017 at 3:26 PM, Darshit Patel <>

> Understand.
> Is there any other way so I can define which encoder OM should use if AAC
> is not there?
> On 13-Oct-2017 1:28 PM, "Maxim Solodovnik" <> wrote:
>> This is why you need to build ffmpeg from sources ....
>> On Fri, Oct 13, 2017 at 2:35 PM, Darshit Patel <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Issue is with encoder. As libfdk_aac is non-free and therefore
>>> non-distribitable ffmpeg removed support for AAC encoder.
>>> Can we use any other encoder?
>>> Is there any configuration to change encoder in OM?
>>> On 13-Oct-2017 11:30 AM, "Maxim Solodovnik" <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> In case you prefer to check openmeetings.log rather than "conversion
>>>> logs"
>>>> You have to check:
>>>> 1) full ffmpeg command listed in openmeetings.log was successful (run
>>>> it manually from console on server, check result)
>>>> 2) additionally check all files
>>>> On Fri, Oct 13, 2017 at 12:55 PM, Darshit Patel <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>> > Hi Maxim,
>>>> >
>>>> > Following are openmeeting logs it says that recordings are created in
>>>> > hibernate folder, but no recording shows in tree or hibernate folder.
>>>> >
>>>> > DEBUG 10-12 17:19:44.674 o.a.o.c.c.BaseConverter:250 [taskExecutor-4]
>>>> -
>>>> > ###################################################
>>>> > DEBUG 10-12 17:19:44.676 o.a.o.u.p.ProcessHelper:60 [taskExecutor-4]
>>>> - START
>>>> > generateSampleAudio #################
>>>> > DEBUG 10-12 17:19:44.676 o.a.o.u.p.ProcessHelper:61 [taskExecutor-4] -
>>>> > /usr/bin/sox /opt/om330/webapps/om/streams/hibernate/one_second.wav
>>>> > /opt/om330/webapps/om/streams/26/rec_8_stream_96692cae-cc03-
>>>> 4b7b-b946-78a3e6673d21_2017_10_12_17_17_15_FINAL_WAVE.wav
>>>> > pad 0 149.121
>>>> > DEBUG 10-12 17:19:44.696 o.a.o.c.r.r.ScopeApplicationAdapter:780
>>>> > [NioProcessor-16] - start streamBroadcastClose broadcast close:
>>>> > 96692cae-cc03-4b7b-b946-78a3e6673d21
>>>> > DEBUG 10-12 17:19:44.696 o.a.o.c.r.r.ScopeApplicationAdapter:798
>>>> > [NioProcessor-16] - streamBroadcastClose : Client [streamid=30,
>>>> > publicSID=25db38fc-660a-4aec-87f7-b9d8eb4bf64c, isScreenClient=true,
>>>> > isMobile = false, roomId=26, broadCastID=-2, userId=2, avsettings=,
>>>> > isRecording=false, recordingId=null, recordingMetaDataId=8,
>>>> > screenPublishStarted=true, interviewPodId=null, server=null] 30
>>>> > DEBUG 10-12 17:19:44.699 o.a.o.c.r.r.ScopeApplicationAdapter:429
>>>> > [NioProcessor-16] - disconnect: RTMPMinaConnection from
>>>> >
>>>> (in:
>>>> > 19786316 out: 3822) session: 3TYI3XWU56DXG state: disconnecting <
>>>> Scope
>>>> > [name=26, path=/default/om, type=ROOM, autoStart=true,
>>>> > creationTime=1507808762063, depth=2, enabled=true, running=true]
>>>> > DEBUG 10-12 17:19:44.699 o.a.o.c.r.r.ScopeApplicationAdapter:686
>>>> > [NioProcessor-16] - roomDisconnect: RTMPMinaConnection from
>>>> >
>>>> (in:
>>>> > 19786316 out: 3822) session: 3TYI3XWU56DXG state: disconnecting
>>>> > DEBUG 10-12 17:19:44.700 o.a.o.c.r.r.ScopeApplicationAdapter:507
>>>> > [NioProcessor-16] - leave: Client: 30 << Scope [name=26,
>>>> path=/default/om,
>>>> > type=ROOM, autoStart=true, creationTime=1507808762063, depth=2,
>>>> > enabled=true, running=true]
>>>> > DEBUG 10-12 17:19:44.700 o.a.o.c.r.r.ScopeApplicationAdapter:580
>>>> > [NioProcessor-16] - [roomLeave] 30 2 /om/26 26
>>>> > DEBUG 10-12 17:19:44.700 o.a.o.c.r.r.ScopeApplicationAdapter:587
>>>> > [NioProcessor-16] - currentClient IS NOT NULL
>>>> > DEBUG 10-12 17:19:44.700 o.a.o.c.r.r.ScopeApplicationAdapter:616
>>>> > [NioProcessor-16] - [roomLeaveByScope] currentClient Client
>>>> [streamid=30,
>>>> > publicSID=25db38fc-660a-4aec-87f7-b9d8eb4bf64c, isScreenClient=true,
>>>> > isMobile = false, roomId=26, broadCastID=-2, userId=2, avsettings=,
>>>> > isRecording=false, recordingId=null, recordingMetaDataId=8,
>>>> > screenPublishStarted=true, interviewPodId=null, server=null]
>>>> > DEBUG 10-12 17:19:44.700 o.a.o.c.r.WhiteboardService:460
>>>> [NioProcessor-16] -
>>>> > removeUserFromAllLists this.whiteBoardObjectListManager:
>>>> >
>>>> tSyncManager@3eff2c04
>>>> > DEBUG 10-12 17:19:44.700 o.a.o.c.r.WhiteboardService:461
>>>> [NioProcessor-16] -
>>>> > removeUserFromAllLists roomId: 26
>>>> > DEBUG 10-12 17:19:44.700 o.a.o.c.r.WhiteboardService:475
>>>> [NioProcessor-16] -
>>>> > scope Scope [name=26, path=/default/om, type=ROOM, autoStart=true,
>>>> > creationTime=1507808762063, depth=2, enabled=true, running=true]
>>>> > DEBUG 10-12 17:19:44.703 o.a.o.c.r.r.ScopeApplicationAdapter:629
>>>> > [NioProcessor-16] - removing Username raghup Thu Oct 12 17:17:15 IST
>>>> 2017
>>>> > streamid: 30
>>>> > DEBUG 10-12 17:19:44.704 o.a.o.c.r.RecordingService:405
>>>> [NioProcessor-16] -
>>>> > ### stopRecordingShowForClient: Client [streamid=30,
>>>> > publicSID=25db38fc-660a-4aec-87f7-b9d8eb4bf64c, isScreenClient=true,
>>>> > isMobile = false, roomId=26, broadCastID=-2, userId=2, avsettings=,
>>>> > isRecording=false, recordingId=null, recordingMetaDataId=8,
>>>> > screenPublishStarted=true, interviewPodId=null, server=null]
>>>> > DEBUG 10-12 17:19:44.704 o.a.o.c.r.r.ScopeApplicationAdapter:651
>>>> > [NioProcessor-16] - currentScope Scope [name=26, path=/default/om,
>>>> > type=ROOM, autoStart=true, creationTime=1507808762063, depth=2,
>>>> > enabled=true, running=true]
>>>> > DEBUG 10-12 17:19:44.704 o.a.o.c.r.r.ScopeApplicationAdapter:429
>>>> > [NioProcessor-16] - disconnect: RTMPMinaConnection from
>>>> >
>>>> (in:
>>>> > 19786316 out: 3822) session: 3TYI3XWU56DXG state: disconnecting <
>>>> Scope
>>>> > [name=om, path=/default, type=APPLICATION, autoStart=true,
>>>> > creationTime=1506496421371, depth=1, enabled=true, running=true]
>>>> >  INFO 10-12 17:19:44.704 o.a.o.c.r.r.ScopeApplicationAdapter:438
>>>> > [NioProcessor-16] - W3C x-category:session x-event:disconnect
>>>> > c-ip:
>>>> %2e1%2e2%2e90
>>>> > c-client-id:30
>>>> > DEBUG 10-12 17:19:44.705 o.a.o.c.r.r.ScopeApplicationAdapter:673
>>>> > [NioProcessor-16] - appDisconnect: RTMPMinaConnection from
>>>> >
>>>> (in:
>>>> > 19786316 out: 3822) session: 3TYI3XWU56DXG state: disconnecting
>>>> > DEBUG 10-12 17:19:44.705 o.a.o.c.r.r.ScopeApplicationAdapter:507
>>>> > [NioProcessor-16] - leave: Client: 30 << Scope [name=om,
>>>> path=/default,
>>>> > type=APPLICATION, autoStart=true, creationTime=1506496421371, depth=1,
>>>> > enabled=true, running=true]
>>>> > DEBUG 10-12 17:19:44.705 o.a.o.c.r.r.ScopeApplicationAdapter:711
>>>> > [NioProcessor-16] - appLeave: Client: 30 << Scope [name=om,
>>>> path=/default,
>>>> > type=APPLICATION, autoStart=true, creationTime=1506496421371, depth=1,
>>>> > enabled=true, running=true]
>>>> > DEBUG 10-12 17:19:44.720 o.a.o.c.s.SessionManager:153 [Thread-1688] -
>>>> Tried
>>>> > to get a non existing Client 28 server null
>>>> > DEBUG 10-12 17:19:44.725 o.a.o.u.p.ProcessHelper:67 [taskExecutor-4]
>>>> - END
>>>> > generateSampleAudio #################
>>>> > DEBUG 10-12 17:19:44.725 o.a.o.d.d.r.RecordingMetaDataDao:148
>>>> > [taskExecutor-4] - [update]:
>>>> > DEBUG 10-12 17:19:44.735 o.a.o.c.c.RecordingConverter:124
>>>> [taskExecutor-4] -
>>>> > flvWidth -1- 1088
>>>> > DEBUG 10-12 17:19:44.736 o.a.o.c.c.RecordingConverter:125
>>>> [taskExecutor-4] -
>>>> > flvHeight -1- 688
>>>> > DEBUG 10-12 17:19:44.736 o.a.o.c.c.RecordingConverter:130
>>>> [taskExecutor-4] -
>>>> > flvWidth -2- 1088
>>>> > DEBUG 10-12 17:19:44.736 o.a.o.c.c.RecordingConverter:131
>>>> [taskExecutor-4] -
>>>> > flvHeight -2- 688
>>>> > DEBUG 10-12 17:19:44.739 o.a.o.u.p.ProcessHelper:60 [taskExecutor-4]
>>>> - START
>>>> > generate MP4 #################
>>>> > DEBUG 10-12 17:19:44.739 o.a.o.u.p.ProcessHelper:61 [taskExecutor-4] -
>>>> > /usr/bin/ffmpeg -y -itsoffset 00:00:03.426 -i
>>>> > /opt/om330/webapps/om/streams/26/rec_8_stream_96692cae-cc03-
>>>> 4b7b-b946-78a3e6673d21_2017_10_12_17_17_15.flv
>>>> > -i
>>>> > /opt/om330/webapps/om/streams/26/rec_8_stream_96692cae-cc03-
>>>> 4b7b-b946-78a3e6673d21_2017_10_12_17_17_15_FINAL_WAVE.wav
>>>> > -c:v h264 -crf 24 -pix_fmt yuv420p -preset medium -profile:v baseline
>>>> -c:a
>>>> > libfaac -c:a libfdk_aac -ar 22050 -b:a 32k -s 1088x688
>>>> > /opt/om330/webapps/om/streams/hibernate/780167ea-b6ef-4773-9
>>>> 332-ae49c2e669b7.mp4
>>>> > DEBUG 10-12 17:19:44.847 o.a.o.u.p.ProcessHelper:67 [taskExecutor-4]
>>>> - END
>>>> > generate MP4 #################
>>>> > DEBUG 10-12 17:19:44.849 o.a.o.u.p.ProcessHelper:60 [taskExecutor-4]
>>>> - START
>>>> > generate preview JPG #################
>>>> > DEBUG 10-12 17:19:44.849 o.a.o.u.p.ProcessHelper:61 [taskExecutor-4] -
>>>> > /usr/bin/ffmpeg -y -i
>>>> > /opt/om330/webapps/om/streams/hibernate/780167ea-b6ef-4773-9
>>>> 332-ae49c2e669b7.mp4
>>>> > -vcodec mjpeg -vframes 100 -an -f rawvideo -s 1088x688
>>>> > /opt/om330/webapps/om/streams/hibernate/780167ea-b6ef-4773-9
>>>> 332-ae49c2e669b7.jpg
>>>> > DEBUG 10-12 17:19:44.940 o.a.o.u.p.ProcessHelper:67 [taskExecutor-4]
>>>> - END
>>>> > generate preview JPG #################
>>>> >
>>>> > On 12-Oct-2017 5:09 PM, "Maxim Solodovnik" <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> >
>>>> > Recording should be displayed in the tree as soon as you have started
>>>> > recording
>>>> >
>>>> > You can check it on demo derver
>>>> >
>>>> > On Thu, Oct 12, 2017 at 6:37 PM, Darshit Patel <
>>>> > wrote:
>>>> >> Hi Maxim,
>>>> >>
>>>> >> There's no any recording available as successful recording is not
>>>> created.
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >> On 12-Oct-2017 4:46 PM, "Maxim Solodovnik" <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> Sure
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> Go to Main menu -> Recordings
>>>> >>> Select any recording
>>>> >>> Click yellow warning sign on the right of the recording
>>>> >>> Dialog with detailed log will be opened
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> Same for any converted file in the tree
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> On Thu, Oct 12, 2017 at 6:10 PM, Darshit Patel <
>>>> >>> wrote:
>>>> >>> > Hi Maxim,
>>>> >>> >
>>>> >>> > I am newbie to OM and learning it.
>>>> >>> > Can you please guide me where is conversation log?
>>>> >>> >
>>>> >>> > On 12-Oct-2017 4:11 PM, "Maxim Solodovnik" <>
>>>> >>> > wrote:
>>>> >>> >>
>>>> >>> >> sure.
>>>> >>> >>
>>>> >>> >> to get the reason you can check conversion logs :)
>>>> >>> >>
>>>> >>> >> On Thu, Oct 12, 2017 at 5:39 PM, Darshit Patel
>>>> >>> >> <>
>>>> >>> >> wrote:
>>>> >>> >> > I am using Ubuntu 16.04
>>>> >>> >> > ffmpeg is also on path.
>>>> >>> >> > I have installed is using apt-get install rather than
>>>> specified in
>>>> >>> >> > OM
>>>> >>> >> > installation guide, does it make any difference?
>>>> >>> >> >
>>>> >>> >> > On 12-Oct-2017 4:06 PM, "Maxim Solodovnik" <
>>>> >>> >> > wrote:
>>>> >>> >> >>
>>>> >>> >> >> OK
>>>> >>> >> >>
>>>> >>> >> >> what OS are you using? Windows? Do you have ffmpeg on the
>>>> PATH?
>>>> >>> >> >>
>>>> >>> >> >> On Thu, Oct 12, 2017 at 5:24 PM, Darshit Patel
>>>> >>> >> >> <>
>>>> >>> >> >> wrote:
>>>> >>> >> >> > MP4 not being created.
>>>> >>> >> >> >
>>>> >>> >> >> > On 12-Oct-2017 3:54 PM, "Maxim Solodovnik" <
>>>> >>> >> >> > wrote:
>>>> >>> >> >> >>
>>>> >>> >> >> >> Usergroups are groups :)))
>>>> >>> >> >> >>
>>>> >>> >> >> >> I don't get it, your MP4 are not being created or being
>>>> >>> >> >> >> auto-deleted?
>>>> >>> >> >> >>
>>>> >>> >> >> >> On Thu, Oct 12, 2017 at 5:10 PM, Darshit Patel
>>>> >>> >> >> >> <>
>>>> >>> >> >> >> wrote:
>>>> >>> >> >> >> > I have checked in all menus but still not able to locate
>>>> >>> >> >> >> > groups
>>>> >>> >> >> >> > menu.
>>>> >>> >> >> >> > Is
>>>> >>> >> >> >> > it
>>>> >>> >> >> >> > usergroups?
>>>> >>> >> >> >> > There's settings of recording expire in which is set to 0
>>>> >>> >> >> >> > days.
>>>> >>> >> >> >> > Still I am not able to identify issue why MP4 recording
>>>> are
>>>> >>> >> >> >> > not
>>>> >>> >> >> >> > created.
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >
>>>> >>> >> >> >> > On 12-Oct-2017 3:33 PM, "Maxim Solodovnik"
>>>> >>> >> >> >> > <>
>>>> >>> >> >> >> > wrote:
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >
>>>> >>> >> >> >> > In this case you should see all Admin menses ....
>>>> >>> >> >> >> > One of them is Groups ....
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >
>>>> >>> >> >> >> > On Thu, Oct 12, 2017 at 4:50 PM, Darshit Patel
>>>> >>> >> >> >> > <>
>>>> >>> >> >> >> > wrote:
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >> Yes. I have logged in using open meeting admin user.
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >> On 12-Oct-2017 3:16 PM, "Maxim Solodovnik"
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >> <>
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >> wrote:
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >> Do you have admin rights on your OM server?
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >> On Thu, Oct 12, 2017 at 4:45 PM, Darshit Patel
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >> <>
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >> wrote:
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>> Hi,
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>> I am not able to locate Admin->Groups menu.
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>> Thanks.
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>> On 12-Oct-2017 3:12 PM, "Maxim Solodovnik"
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>> <>
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>> wrote:
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>>
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> please check your setting in Admin->Groups
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>>
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> On Thu, Oct 12, 2017 at 4:26 PM, Darshit Patel
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> <>
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> wrote:
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> > Hi,
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> >
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> > I have created one room and recorded one session.
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> > Initially raw flv recording was stored in
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> > streams/<room_id>/
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> > folder
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> > but
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> > after sometime it was deleted.
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> > I have checked hibernate folder also there's no any
>>>> .mp4
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> > file
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> > present.
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> >
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> > As we have discussed earlier if there's any setting
>>>> which
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> > delete
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> > recording
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> > automatically, please guide me from where I can
>>>> change
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> > it.
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> >
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> > On 27-Sep-2017 1:50 PM, "Maxim Solodovnik"
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> > <>
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> > wrote:
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> >>
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> >> Hello,
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> >>
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> >> Successfully converted recordings are being stored
>>>> in
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> >> stream/hibernate
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> >> folder as mp4 files
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> >> stream/<room_id>/<file_name>.flv files are "raw"
>>>> files
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> >> created
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> >> from
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> >> camera
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> >> and screen-sharing streams
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> >>
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> >> Clean-up can be performed during
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> >> 1) import/export (raw files might be dropped here)
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> >> 2) Clean-up admin function from dashboard
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> >>
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> >> Group Recordings can be AUTO cleaned up in case
>>>> such
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> >> clean-up
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> >> was
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> >> set
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> >> up
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> >> for particular group
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> >>
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> >> someone with enough rights can manually delete
>>>> files
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> >> ....
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> >>
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> >> On Wed, Sep 27, 2017 at 3:06 PM, Darshit Patel
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> >> <>
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> >> wrote:
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> >>>
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> >>> Hi,
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> >>> I am using open meeting version 3.3.0
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> >>> I have recorded open meeting conference room.
>>>> Initially
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> >>> recording
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> >>> was
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> >>> stored in stream/<room_id>/<file_name>.flv
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> >>> But after some time it is automatically get
>>>> deleted.
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> >>> I have also checked hibernate folder it is not
>>>> there.
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> >>> Is there any configurations or changes regarding
>>>> this
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> >>> in
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> >>> version
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> >>> 3.3.0?
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> >>
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> >>
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> >>
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> >>
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> >> --
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> >> WBR
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> >> Maxim aka solomax
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>>
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>>
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>>
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> --
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> WBR
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>>> Maxim aka solomax
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >> --
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >> WBR
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >> Maxim aka solomax
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >>
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >
>>>> >>> >> >> >> > --
>>>> >>> >> >> >> > WBR
>>>> >>> >> >> >> > Maxim aka solomax
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >
>>>> >>> >> >> >> >
>>>> >>> >> >> >>
>>>> >>> >> >> >>
>>>> >>> >> >> >>
>>>> >>> >> >> >> --
>>>> >>> >> >> >> WBR
>>>> >>> >> >> >> Maxim aka solomax
>>>> >>> >> >>
>>>> >>> >> >>
>>>> >>> >> >>
>>>> >>> >> >> --
>>>> >>> >> >> WBR
>>>> >>> >> >> Maxim aka solomax
>>>> >>> >>
>>>> >>> >>
>>>> >>> >>
>>>> >>> >> --
>>>> >>> >> WBR
>>>> >>> >> Maxim aka solomax
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> --
>>>> >>> WBR
>>>> >>> Maxim aka solomax
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > --
>>>> > WBR
>>>> > Maxim aka solomax
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> --
>>>> WBR
>>>> Maxim aka solomax
>> --
>> WBR
>> Maxim aka solomax

Maxim aka solomax

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