Steps to upgrade OpenMeetings 4.0.1 on Windows to the latest snapshot

Based on the following link, but with more details: 

1) Stop Openmeetings service
cd C:\red5401
net stop Red5 

2) Backup the folder with existing installation
jar -cMf C:\OpenMeetings\ C:\red5401 

3) Perform DB backup using tools available for your database
mariabackup --backup --target-dir C:\OpenMeetings\MariaDB_Backup --user
root --password <password> 

Note: to restore the backup, empty the data folder, stop the MariaDB
server and use the following commands:
(to normalize the datafiles) mariabackup --prepare --target-dir
C:\OpenMeetings\MariaDB_Backup --user root --password <password>
(to restore) mariabackup --copy-back --target-dir
C:\OpenMeetings\MariaDB_Backup --user root --password <password> 

4) Create an OS backup of OM or use Administration > Backup section
admin -v -b -file C:\OpenMeetings\ 

5) Delete folder with existing installation
cd \
RMDIR /S /Q C:\red5401 

6) Unzip new version of OM into the same folder
mkdir C:\red5401
cd C:\red5401
powershell -command "& {[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol =
[Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12; (new-object
jar -xvf C:\OpenMeetings\ 

7) Download and install the connector between MariaDB and OpenMeetings:
powershell -command "(new-object

8) Install OM with backup import
admin -v -i -file C:\OpenMeetings\ --drop
--skip-default-objects --db-type mysql --db-name open401 --db-user root
--db-pass <password> 

9) Extract the modified files for SSL support from the red5 backup to
the new OM installation conf folder
Rename the existing keystore files
cd conf
rename truststore.jmx truststore.bak
rename keystore.jmx keystore.bak 

cd /
jar -xvf C:\OpenMeetings\ red5401/conf/keystore.jks
jar -xvf C:\OpenMeetings\ red5401/conf/truststore.jks
jar -xvf C:\OpenMeetings\ red5401/conf/keystore.screen
jar -xvf C:\OpenMeetings\ red5401/conf/jee-container.xml
jar -xvf C:\OpenMeetings\ red5401/conf/
jar -xvf C:\OpenMeetings\ red5401/conf/red5-core.xml 

Alternatively to the above task if the files have changed, manually
modify the files as per: 

As per the following link configure Tomcat for http to https redirects

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\notepad++.exe"
Add the following lines to force http -> https redirect by Tomcat after
the servlet mappings before forbids constraints section:
<web-resource-name>Entire Application</web-resource-name>

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\notepad++.exe"
Add the following lines to force http -> https redirect by Tomcat in the
Allowed methods constraint section:
<!-- no auth-constraint tag here --> 

10) Download and extract the commons-daemon files for Windows (needed to
install the Red5 Windows service) 

powershell -command "& {[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol =
[Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12; (new-object

cd C:\red5401
jar -xvf C:\OpenMeetings\ 


11) Start Openmeetings
net start Red5 

12) Navigate to Windows Firewall -> Allowed Apps. Switch to Change Mode
and add the following app:
Commons Daemon Service Runner

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