Thanks. I appreciate.
     On Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 12:54:22 PM EDT, Alvaro <> 
 In less than a week i will have prepared a tutorial for Let's Encrtpt
certificates and Coturn. It is tested and works right on a server
installed after router NAT.



El mié, 25-03-2020 a las 14:55 +0000, Benteftifa, Hafed escribió:
> Hello,
> It seems I am having the same problems as others regarding audio and
> video.
> Here is the setup (Ubuntu 18) after following Alvaro's instructions:
> Setup 1: VM on vpsserver  worked correctly. While users had the https
> not safe message when using the IP address for the room, we were able
> to go through the conference with audio and video. This is a backup
> solutions for us.
> Setup 2: VM on our internal network. Access is through a VPN from the
> outside. While users had the https not safe message when using the IP
> address for the room, we were able to go through the conference with
> audio and video. Unfortunately, a lot of jitters and random freeze
> and booting out of some users occured. I believe this is due to the
> internal cloud server we used. We will not be using this solution
> (too difficult for some users to setup their vpn).
> Setup 3: We have a VM instance on Microsoft azure. While users had
> the https not safe message when using the IP address for the room,
> everybody was able to access the room and see his/her own camera and
> see the microphone working. However, the rest of us were not able to
> hear audio and video from the others. After spending hours on the
> mailing list, it boils down to us not using a TURN server.
> I found this link on the mailing list (see post by René Sholtz):  htt
> ps://
> 3m74mogy+state:results
> These are the instructions for configuring a TURN server (coturn).
> Since we are using an IP address, did anyone have success in making
> those configuration steps. Maybe Alvaro has written a setup manual
> for this part?
> Thanks

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