
today I had tried to make a step-by-step-manual for update a OM-Version with full-drop database. (My idea was a manual for update from any lower-version to a higher one with a emty database, filled with backup from a running version.)

I had problems with create a new database and import my backup.
(I tried in one step but there I got an error, so I make two steps.

I copy from my my running OM: server.xml, mysql-connector-java-8.0.18.jar, persistence.xml and applicationContext.xml.
(So I have certificates, correct databaye-access and my coturn-config.)

mysql -u root -p
DROP DATABASE openmeetings;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON openmeetings.* TO 'OMDBUser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'DBsecret' WITH GRANT OPTION; (After that I have a new empty database with access from my OM-DB-User to the openmeetings-database.)

./admin.sh -i -v -tz Europe/Berlin -email my-own-admin-em...@address.xy -group webbase -user admin --password adminSecret --skip-default-objects
./admin.sh -r -file backup-file-from-my-running-previous-version.zip
/etc/init.d/tomcat3 stop
/etc/init.d/tomcat3 start
(Wait a long long time - 10 minutes... After that my log shows that OM comes up.)

Hm, after that I expect that is running -  but I run into the installer.

What do I wrong?

With best regards,


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