
I would suggest to take original server.xml from M4
And change nothing but <Certificate ...> tag
use this one
<Certificate certificateKeyFile="conf/your_key.pem"
                        type="RSA" />
with your own paths

no native libraries, conversions etc.
one easy step :))

Please ensure cert paths are readable by OM :))

On Tue, 7 Apr 2020 at 19:50, K. Kamhamea <kamha...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> In my manual I covered wildcard certificates under System Administrator >
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OPENMEETINGS/OpemMeetings+5+Manual
> Am Di., 7. Apr. 2020 um 12:43 Uhr schrieb Rohrbach, Gerald <
> g.rohrb...@funkegruppe.de>:
>> Maxim,
>> so far our openMeetings server for internal use is working fine.
>> I found a lots of manuals using letsencrypt certificates, but this seem
>> not to be that easy and we need to repeat the procedure every 90 days.
>> To make it more comfortable for the users I think we need to get the
>> certificate in plac.e
>> Unfortunately my knowledge about this certificate stuff is going to zero…
>> We have an official wildcard certificate, that we can use.
>> But I did not found a manual how this is to install.
>> Is there any docu I can use? Is that specific to openMeetings or is that
>> more specific for tomcat?
>> Gerald
>> *Von:* Maxim Solodovnik [mailto:solomax...@gmail.com]
>> *Gesendet:* Montag, 30. März 2020 17:19
>> *An:* Openmeetings user-list <user@openmeetings.apache.org>
>> *Betreff:* Re: ldap config problems with authentication solved -
>> Database move to different server
>> First of all clustering is not working in M3
>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OPENMEETINGS-2186
>> You need M4 SNAPSHOT for this
>> Then, I'm afraid, there is misunderstanding: `localDB` is UI term means
>> DB as opposite to LDAP
>> To change DB location you need to change localhost to some external IP in
>> persistence.xml
>> Latest SNAPSHOT is here:
>> https://builds.apache.org/view/M-R/view/OpenMeetings/job/openmeetings/
>> Latest docs here:
>> https://builds.apache.org/view/M-R/view/OpenMeetings/job/openmeetings/site/openmeetings-server/Clustering.html
>> I hope were will be no DB updates before M4 release, so most probably DB
>> will be compatible
>> On Mon, 30 Mar 2020 at 22:13, Rohrbach, Gerald <g.rohrb...@funkegruppe.de>
>> wrote:
>> Well, I need another hint….
>> As we have now tested a lot and do think we can use it for more users
>> probably we
>> need more than one server. I interested in the clustering.
>> But I know this is sometimes difficult on our core switch to setup.
>> First step would be to have the database separated on a different server.
>> We have already created a lots of users in the M3 release.
>> For testing of the M4  I have made already a backup and restored it.
>> But in this case the database was also local.
>> Probably I need to change somewhere in a config file, where the new
>> database is
>> Located, if it is not local.
>> Because in the backup there was a localDB, on the new server I would like
>> a different machine.
>> Which file I need to edit?
>> Regards
>> Gerald.
>> *Von:* Maxim Solodovnik [mailto:solomax...@gmail.com]
>> *Gesendet:* Montag, 30. März 2020 16:19
>> *An:* Openmeetings user-list <user@openmeetings.apache.org>
>> *Betreff:* Re: ldap config problems with authentication solved
>> Great news :)
>> I don't have to fix it :)))
>> Thanks a lot!
>> On Mon, 30 Mar 2020 at 21:16, Rohrbach, Gerald <g.rohrb...@funkegruppe.de>
>> wrote:
>> Maxim,
>> I found the solution:
>> This are the settings:
>> ldap_search_query=(userPrincipalName=%s)
>> ldap_userdn_format=userPrincipalName=%s,CN=Users,DC=company,DC=de
>> ldap_user_attr_login=sAMAccountName
>> Then the users are created in the right way use...@company.de
>> No duplicates anymore.
>> Regards
>> Gerald
>> *Von:* Maxim Solodovnik [mailto:solomax...@gmail.com]
>> *Gesendet:* Montag, 30. März 2020 14:37
>> *An:* Openmeetings user-list <user@openmeetings.apache.org>
>> *Betreff:* Re: ldap config problems with authentication
>> Of cause I can add simple check
>> "if-login-contains-domain-do-not-add-another-one" but I would prefer to
>> create simulation of real LDAP :)
>> On Mon, 30 Mar 2020 at 19:31, Maxim Solodovnik <solomax...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> On Mon, 30 Mar 2020 at 19:25, Rohrbach, Gerald <g.rohrb...@funkegruppe.de>
>> wrote:
>> Maxim,
>> that was a good hint with the logging.
>> I think it is just a understanding and config issue.
>>    SearchRequest
>>         baseDn : 'CN=Users,DC=company,DC=de'
>>         filter : '(uid=x...@compay.de)'
>> In ADS uid attribute is not filled. Instead in ADS we need to user
>> UserPrincipalName or something else.
>> for ADS `samlAccountName` or something like this should be used
>> So authentication works fine, but eyery time someone logs in a new user
>> account is created.
>> It  looks like we still have an issue, as the create user login is wrong.
>> testu...@company.de@company.de
>> This is the issue
>> I'm using this
>> https://github.com/apache/openmeetings/blob/master/openmeetings-web/src/test/resources/schema/users.ldif
>> Schema for tests
>> Maybe you can help me to create schema for the case with "suffixed" users?
>> I hope I get the rest also figured out.
>> Gerald
>> *Von:* Maxim Solodovnik [mailto:solomax...@gmail.com]
>> *Gesendet:* Montag, 30. März 2020 11:50
>> *An:* Openmeetings user-list <user@openmeetings.apache.org>
>> *Betreff:* Re: ldap config problems with authentication
>> Your log is hard to read due to formatting issues :((
>> Googling `DSID-0C090442` results something about "searching between
>> forests" which I don't understand :(
>> Admin->LDAP has setting "Add domain to user name"
>> Do you have it checked? (domain to add should be specified)
>> What is your LDAP provider? Is it ADS?
>> To make logging more verbose you can
>> 1) stop OM
>> 2) add following line to logback-config.xml
>>  <logger name="org.apache.directory" level="DEBUG" />
>> 3) restart OM
>> According to my previous experience SEARCHANDBIND might work better
>> On Mon, 30 Mar 2020 at 16:31, Rohrbach, Gerald <g.rohrb...@funkegruppe.de>
>> wrote:
>> Also having LDAP issues:
>> It seems not to work.
>> Below is the om_ldap.cfg, that is used in the config file:
>> ^[[39mDEBUG^[[0;39m 03-30 08:42:26.213 ^[[36mo.a.o.s.q.s.ReminderJob:93
>> [Bean#0_Worker-3]^[[0;39m - Rss disabled by Admin
>>             ^[[39mDEBUG^[[0;39m
>> 03-30 08:52:26.214 ^[[36mo.a.o.s.q.s.ReminderJob:93
>> [Bean#0_Worker-8]^[[0;39m - Rss disabled by
>> Admin
>> ^[[39mDEBUG^[[0;39m
>> 03-30 09:02:26.214 ^[[36mo.a.o.s.q.s.ReminderJob:93
>> [Bean#0_Worker-5]^[[0;39m - Rss disabled by
>> Admin
>>                                                    ^[[39mDEBUG^[[0;39m
>> 03-30 09:11:36.412 ^[[36mo.a.o.d.d.s.LdapConfigDao:69
>> [io-5443-exec-10]^[[0;39m -
>> getActiveLdapConfigs
>>                                 ^[[39mDEBUG^[[0;39m 03-30 09:11:36.517
>> ^[[36mo.a.o.d.d.s.LdapConfigDao:69 [nio-5443-exec-2]^[[0;39m -
>> getActiveLdapConfigs
>>              ^[[39mDEBUG^[[0;39m 03-30 09:12:13.115
>> ^[[36mo.a.o.c.l.LdapLoginManager:172 [nio-5443-exec-2]^[[0;39m -
>> LdapLoginmanager.doLdapLogin
>> ^[[1;31mERROR^[[0;39m 03-30 09:12:13.129
>> ^[[36mo.a.o.c.l.LdapLoginManager:226 [nio-5443-exec-2]^[[0;39m - Not
>> authenticated.
>> org.apache.directory.api.ldap.model.exception.LdapAuthenticationException:
>> 80090308: LdapErr: DSID-0C090442, comment: AcceptSecurityContext error,
>> data 52e,
>> v3839^@
>> at
>> org.apache.directory.api.ldap.model.message.ResultCodeEnum.processResponse(ResultCodeEnum.java:1995)
>> What does the LdapLogin Manager message means, was the query user not
>> able to connect or was the end user password wrong.
>> How I can make visible, what the query for the user ist.
>> It should be in the form u...@domain.de , maybe the mapping is just
>> wrong.
>> This is the modified
>>  ldap_conn_host=DESVR-DC01.firma.de
>> ldap_conn_port=389
>> ldap_conn_secure=false
>> # Login distinguished name (DN) for Authentication on LDAP Server - keep
>> empty if not required
>> # Use full qualified LDAP DN
>> ldap_admin_dn=CN=ldapopenmeetings,OU=Users-Service-Accounts,DC=firma,DC=de
>> # Loginpass for Authentication on LDAP Server - keep empty if not required
>> ldap_passwd=#password#
>> # base to search for userdata(of user, that wants to login)
>> ldap_search_base=CN=Users,DC=firma,DC=de
>> # Fieldnames (can differ between Ldap servers)
>> ldap_search_query=(uid=%s)
>> # the scope of the search might be: OBJECT, ONELEVEL, SUBTREE
>> ldap_search_scope=SUBTREE
>> #  When using SIMPLEBIND a simple bind is performed on the LDAP server to
>> check user authentication
>> #  When using NONE, the Ldap server is not used for authentication
>> ldap_auth_type=SIMPLEBIND
>> # userDN format, will be used to bind if ldap_auth_type=SIMPLEBIND
>> # might be used to get provisionningDn in case ldap_auth_type=NONE
>> ldap_userdn_format=uid=%s,CN=Users,DC=firma,DC=de
>> # Ldap provisioning type(NONE, AUTOCREATE, AUTOUPDATE)
>> ldap_provisionning=AUTOCREATE
>> # Ldap deref mode (never, searching, finding, always)
>> ldap_deref_mode=always
>> ldap_use_admin_to_get_attrs=true
>> # Ldap-password synchronization to OM DB
>> #  Set this to 'true' if you want OM to synchronize the user
>> Ldap-password to OM's internal DB
>> #  If you want to disable the feature, set this to any other string.
>> #  Defautl value is 'true'
>> ldap_sync_password_to_om=false
>> # Ldap group mode (NONE, ATTRIBUTE, QUERY)
>> # NONE means group associations will be ignored
>> # ATTRIBUTE means group associations will be taken from 'ldap_group_attr'
>> attribute (M$ AD mode)
>> # QUERY means group associations will be taken as a result of
>> 'ldap_group_query' query
>> ldap_group_mode=NONE
>> ldap_group_query=(&(memberUid=%s)(objectClass=posixGroup))
>> # Ldap user attributes mapping
>> # Set the following internal OM user attributes to their corresponding
>> Ldap-attribute
>> ldap_user_attr_login=uid
>> ldap_user_attr_lastname=sn
>> ldap_user_attr_firstname=givenName
>> ldap_user_attr_mail=mail
>> ldap_user_attr_street=streetAddress
>> ldap_user_attr_additionalname=description
>> ldap_user_attr_fax=facsimileTelephoneNumber
>> ldap_user_attr_zip=postalCode
>> ldap_user_attr_country=co
>> ldap_user_attr_town=l
>> ldap_user_attr_phone=telephoneNumber
>> # optional attribute for user picture
>> #ldap_user_attr_picture=
>> ldap_group_attr=memberOf
>> # optional, absolute URL will be used as user picture if
>> #ldap_user_attr_picture will be empty
>> #ldap_user_picture_uri=picture_uri
>> # optional
>> # the timezone has to match any timezone available in Java, otherwise the
>> timezone defined in the value of
>> # the conf_key "default.timezone" in OpenMeetings "configurations" table
>> #ldap_user_timezone=timezone
>> # Ldap ignore upper/lower case, convert all input to lower case
>> ldap_use_lower_case=false
>> # Ldap import query, this query should retrieve all LDAP users
>> ldap_import_query=(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)
>> --
>> WBR
>> Maxim aka solomax
>> --
>> WBR
>> Maxim aka solomax
>> --
>> WBR
>> Maxim aka solomax
>> --
>> WBR
>> Maxim aka solomax
>> --
>> WBR
>> Maxim aka solomax

Best regards,

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