I already have answered this in else thread
Please use one thread for topic

(from mobile, sorry for typos)

On Thu, Jul 9, 2020, 21:59 Jibsan Joel Rosa Toirac <jibsa...@gmail.com>

> Hello guys. I´m having problems with sending a HASH invitation. I already
> send invitationd from inside the room and on the email list the invitations
> are listed. I searched in the Logs and they just tell the email was sent
> but nothing else.
> Here I let you what I'm doing with CURL that I already used to create and
> delete rooms and users and to login from the Linux terminal, everything
> using Linux. Also I will let you the methods to do that here linked.
> This is the Original Method:
> curl --location --request POST '
> \
>  'invite= {
>     "email": "ad...@domain.com",
>     "firstname": "Jibsan",
>     "lastname" : "Toirac",
>     "message": "Wellcome to the room",
>     "subject": "Join and enjoy",
>     "roomId": "7",
>     "passwordProtected": "false",
>     "validForm": "2020-09-23 12:33:40",
>     "validTo": "2020-09-25 12:33:40"
>     }' \
>     'sendmail=false'
> Here is the one I'm trying to use because there is no FORMS here, all
> paramethers are Query:
>      "email": "ad...@domain.com",
>     "firstname": "Jibsan",
>     "lastname" : "Toirac",
>     "message": "Wellcome to the room",
>     "subject": "Join and enjoy",
>     "roomId": "7",
>     "passwordProtected": "false",
>     "validForm": "2020-09-23 12:33:40",
>     "validTo": "2020-09-25 12:33:40"
>     }'&'sendmail=false'
> Please any help with this will be appreciated.
> Greetings,
> Jibsan.

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