Hello Ed,

these little icons are to enable/disable access to the room features
(including camera/microphone)

I see no need to show "state" icons in user list
In case user have microphone on you will see "speaker" icon with volume
In case user vave video you will see video pod ...

On Thu, 29 Oct 2020 at 02:58, <i...@bureau-de-poste.net> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am suing the stable 5.0.1 and I notice that the superuser or the
> main user that is logged-in has the camera and microphone icons in
> green if they are enabled and in orange if they are disabled. Thus,
> these are icons that show their state.
> When I look at the little icons for users in the same room as me, I
> see that they are not icons that show their state, but rather they are
> "action icons" - just the opposite of the "state icons" that we
> changed a few months ago.
> Why don't we change this, too, so that all icons show their "state" ?
> Thus, foor the non-moderator users in a room, if their cameras are
> enabled the little icon will show green, and if it is disabled, it
> will show orange.
> This will give consistency to the screen - all colored icons should be
> "state" not "to-do action" icons.
> I really believe we need consistency here - everywhere, and I truly
> believe that "state" is MUCH better than "action" - as most of the
> users thought a few months ago.
> Can this be done?
> Best,
> Ed

Best regards,

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