
# These are the two network ports used by the TURN server which the client
# may connect to. We enable the standard unencrypted port 3478 for STUN,
# as well as port 443 for TURN over TLS, which can bypass firewalls.



# If the server has multiple IP addresses, you may wish to limit which
# addresses coturn is using. Do that by setting this option (it can be
# specified multiple times). The default is to listen on all addresses.
# You do not normally need to set this option.

# If the server is behind NAT, you need to specify the external IP address.
# If there is only one external address, specify it like this:

# If you have multiple external addresses, you have to specify which
# internal address each corresponds to, like this. The first address is the
# external ip, and the second address is the corresponding internal IP.

# Fingerprints in TURN messages are required for WebRTC

# The long-term credential mechanism is required for WebRTC

# Configure coturn to use the "TURN REST API" method for validating time-limited credentials.
# You can generate a new random value by running the command:
#   openssl rand -hex 16

# user=

# If the realm value is unspecified, it defaults to the TURN server hostname.
# You probably want to configure it to a domain name that you control to
# improve log output. There is no functional impact.

# Configure TLS support.
# Adjust these paths to match the locations of your certificate files

# Limit the allowed ciphers to improve security
# Based on https://hynek.me/articles/hardening-your-web-servers-ssl-ciphers/

# Enable longer DH TLS key to improve security

# All WebRTC-compatible web browsers support TLS 1.2 or later, so disable
# older protocols

# Log to a single filename (rather than new log files each startup). You'll
# want to install a logrotate configuration (see below)

# To enable single filename logs you need to enable the simple-log flag



On 12/17/20 7:13 AM, Ali Alhaidary wrote:

For us, and since I had long discussion and research, I removes the 'user' entry from all files:


so we are using only STUN service, all working well....

On 12/17/20 7:08 AM, Maxim Solodovnik wrote:

On Thu, 17 Dec 2020 at 00:36, kaffeesurrogat <kaffeesurro...@posteo.de <mailto:kaffeesurro...@posteo.de>> wrote:

    now i am ashamed, it was me who asked this question a while ago
    and you
    did answer it.

    sorry for that ....

    this means i should leave the line in

    like this:


you can put any user-name to this line :)
for ex.


(I guess it can be used while log checking)
or can leave it empty :)

    Commenting it out doesn't work .....

    I find some error in openmeetings.log
    (Could not resolve placeholder kurento.turn.user .....)
    and the webfrontend is not reachable ....

    On 16/12/2020 17:12, Maxim Solodovnik wrote:
    > I would recommend to remove the `user` from coturn config
    > (/etc/turnserver.conf)
    > please search mailing lists, I've shared my config (as well as
    > ... :)))
    > On Wed, 16 Dec 2020 at 22:49, kaffeesurrogat
    <kaffeesurro...@posteo.de <mailto:kaffeesurro...@posteo.de>
    > <mailto:kaffeesurro...@posteo.de
    <mailto:kaffeesurro...@posteo.de>>> wrote:
    >     On 16/12/2020 16:39, Maxim Solodovnik wrote:
    >     >
    >     >
    >     > On Wed, 16 Dec 2020 at 21:28, kaffeesurrogat
    >     <kaffeesurro...@posteo.de <mailto:kaffeesurro...@posteo.de>
    <mailto:kaffeesurro...@posteo.de <mailto:kaffeesurro...@posteo.de>>
    >     > <mailto:kaffeesurro...@posteo.de
    >     <mailto:kaffeesurro...@posteo.de
    <mailto:kaffeesurro...@posteo.de>>>> wrote:
    >     >
    >     >     Dear list,
    >     >
    >     >     just trying to understand things a little better.
    >     >
    >     >     I tried to check if my turn/stun server is working
    >     >
    >     >     my turnserver.conf contains the line
    >     >
    >     >     user=nobody:PASSWORD
    >     >
    >     >
    >     > Why have you added this line to coturn config?
    >     That was mentioned in
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >     Now i'm using
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >     to check my turn server.
    >     >
    >     >     The entries on trickle are:
    >     >
    >     >     turn:MYIP:3478
    >     >     turn username: nobody
    >     >     turn password: PASSWORD
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >     The test result is negativ.
    >     >
    >     >
    >     > I guess this is expected
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >     My log file shows
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >     80: handle_udp_packet: New UDP endpoint: local addr
    >     MYIP:3478, remote
    >     >     addr
    <> <>
    >     < <>>
    >     >     80: session 002000000000000001: realm <MYIP> user <>:
    >     incoming packet
    >     >     message processed, error 401: Unauthorized
    >     >     80: handle_udp_packet: New UDP endpoint: local addr
    >     MYIP:3478, remote
    >     >     addr
    <> <>
    >     < <>>
    >     >     80: session 002000000000000002: realm <MYIP> user <>:
    >     incoming packet
    >     >     message processed, error 401: Unauthorized
    >     >     80: check_stun_auth: Cannot find credentials of user
    >     >     80: session 002000000000000001: realm <MYIP> user
    >     incoming
    >     >     packet message processed, error 401: Unauthorized
    >     >     80: check_stun_auth: Cannot find credentials of user
    >     >     80: session 002000000000000002: realm <MYIP> user
    >     incoming
    >     >     packet message processed, error 401: Unauthorized
    >     >     83: handle_udp_packet: New UDP endpoint: local addr
    >     MYIP:3478, remote
    >     >     addr
    <> <>
    >     < <>>
    >     >     83: session 002000000000000003: realm <MYIP> user <>:
    >     incoming packet
    >     >     message processed, error 401: Unauthorized
    >     >     83: handle_udp_packet: New UDP endpoint: local addr
    >     MYIP:3478, remote
    >     >     addr
    <> <>
    >     < <>>
    >     >     83: session 005000000000000002: realm <MYIP> user <>:
    >     incoming packet
    >     >     message processed, error 401: Unauthorized
    >     >     83: check_stun_auth: Cannot find credentials of user
    >     >     83: session 002000000000000003: realm <MYIP> user
    >     incoming
    >     >     packet message processed, error 401: Unauthorized
    >     >     83: check_stun_auth: Cannot find credentials of user
    >     >     83: session 005000000000000002: realm <MYIP> user
    >     incoming
    >     >     packet message processed, error 401: Unauthorized
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >     user nobody with PASSWORD is not found ..... ;-(
    >     >
    >     >     loging into my om room, activating my camera gives:
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >     863: handle_udp_packet: New UDP endpoint: local addr
    >     >     remote
    >     >     addr REMOTEIP:41039
    >     >     863: session 005000000000000003: realm <MYIP> user
    <>: incoming
    >     >     packet
    >     >     BINDING processed, success
    >     >     863: session 005000000000000003: realm <MYIP> user
    <>: incoming
    >     >     packet
    >     >     message processed, error 401: Unauthorized
    >     >     863: IPv4. Local relay addr: MYIP:63505
    >     >     863: session 005000000000000003: new, realm=<MYIP>,
    >     >  username=<1608132140:a8675769-9280-4ab7-ab37-d271e8e5cadb>,
    >     >     lifetime=600
    >     >     863: session 005000000000000003: realm <MYIP> user
    >     >  <1608132140:a8675769-9280-4ab7-ab37-d271e8e5cadb>: incoming
    >     packet
    >     >     ALLOCATE processed, success
    >     >     863: session 005000000000000003: peer MYIP lifetime
    updated: 300
    >     >     863: session 005000000000000003: realm <MYIP> user
    >     >  <1608132140:a8675769-9280-4ab7-ab37-d271e8e5cadb>: incoming
    >     packet
    >     >     CREATE_PERMISSION processed, success
    >     >     863: session 005000000000000003: realm <MYIP> user
    >     >  <1608132140:a8675769-9280-4ab7-ab37-d271e8e5cadb>: incoming
    >     packet
    >     >     CREATE_PERMISSION processed, error 403: Forbidden IP
    >     >     863: session 005000000000000003: realm <MYIP> user
    >     >  <1608132140:a8675769-9280-4ab7-ab37-d271e8e5cadb>: incoming
    >     packet
    >     >     message processed, error 403: Forbidden IP
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >     gives a user name with a long number ...... ?
    >     >
    >     >
    >     > Special hash of user and password is being used by OM
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >     There are two questions :
    >     >
    >     >     1) why do i need a user nobody:password in my config
    >     if the
    >     >     username generated by om is a long hash but not
    nobody ... ?
    >     >
    >     >
    >     > your config is your responsibility :))))
    >     > I guess you can google
    >     > Or check this
    >     >
    >     doc
    >     >
    >     for ex.
    >     will read this doc. One day i will understand this turn server
    >     thing ...
    >     > Or search mailing-list archives for working
    configurations :)))
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >     2) why does my trickle test fail or why does it not
    find the
    >     >     credentials
    >     >     ... ?
    >     >
    >     >
    >     > I believe your configuration might be wrong ...
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >     Many thanks,
    >     >
    >     >     kaffeesurrogat
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >
    >     thanks again....
    >     kaffeesurrogat ;-)
    >     >
    >     > --
    >     > Best regards,
    >     > Maxim
    > --
    > Best regards,
    > Maxim

Best regards,

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