I'm on WiFi only for the last ~1year of self isolation
no issues :)
Maybe your WiFi router is not good enough?

On Sat, 23 Jan 2021 at 03:04, jox joe <jox...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Ubuntu 18.04
> OM 5.0.0-M4
> CoTurn
> Testing with TWO clients.
> Configuration 1:
> client 1: Ethernet cable between the router and the computer
> client 2: WIFI between the router and the computer
> Configuration 2:
> client 1: Ethernet cable between the router and the computer
> client 2:  Ethernet cable between the router and the computer
> Duration of test: 60 minutes
> The result:
> Configuration 1:
> low voice quality
> several disruptions (I had to restart the server.)
> unstable
> Configuration 1:
> very good voice quality
> no disruption
> faster screen share
> very stable
> Conclusion: using WiFi is not really recommended
> *********************************
> What is your experience?
> Thank you

Best regards,

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