Hello Tom,

coturn config looks good
this config has placeholders like
do you have something like this in the openmeetings.properties as well?

On Wed, 1 Dec 2021 at 22:42, Tom Meierjürgen <tomca...@web.de> wrote:
> Am 18.11.2021 um 09:55 schrieb Tom Meierjürgen:
> Am 18.11.2021 um 08:52 schrieb Maxim Solodovnik:
> ...(cut done stuff)
>> All i have to figure out now for my small 2 node cluster is why the switch 
>> to another room on the other node still results in seeing only my own stream 
>> but not the opponents (tested with 2 computers here in my lan and 2 others 
>> from another lan at same time,after switch every computer has only its own 
>> streams visible+hearable)...
> Do you have TURN server?
> Is it configured properly?
> For sure i have one turnserver per node running ;-)
> Heres my turnserver config stripped down to all lines without the commented 
> lines and personal information replaced by placeholders which tells the kind 
> of content, maybe i have forgoten something in there?
> /etc/turnserver.conf :
> ######################Start#####################
> listening-port=3478
> listening-ip=$Docker-Bridge_Interface-IP$
> listening-ip=$External-Node-IP$
> listening-ip=$Internal-own-IPSEC/GRE-Tunnel-IP$
> relay-ip=$Internal_own_IPSEC/GRE-Tunnel-IP$
> min-port=49152
> max-port=65535
> fingerprint
> use-auth-secret
> static-auth-secret=$Same_secret_as_in_OM_Kurento-configurationpart_of_openmeetings.properties$
> server-name=$Nameresolutionadress_of_the_node$
> realm=$Domainame_as_Realm$
> stale-nonce=0
> log-file=/var/log/turnserver/turn.log
> syslog
> allowed-peer-ip=$Internal_other_nodes_IPSEC/GRE_Tunnel-IP$
> allowed-peer-ip=$External_other_nodes_IP$
> pidfile="/var/run/turnserver.pid"
> ###########################End################
> when i put "lt-cred-mech" additionally in there as mentioned somewhere in the 
> mailinglist before, my coturn won´t start up and in the logs it tells me to 
> use either lt-cred-mech or use stat-auth but not both at the same time...
> Hope this helps locating the reasons for my Node-switching problem with the 
> streams...
> Does anyone on the list have a hint for me if this config has something in 
> which may cause the Node-Switchingproblems?
> kind regards,
>  Tom

Best regards,

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