from mobile (sorry for typos ;)

On Sat, Apr 1, 2023, 16:36 Alvaro <> wrote:

> Kurento 7.0.0 with OM 7.0.0 or before, show the cam but not
> the face image on this.

Yep, 7.1.0 is required :)

> ------
> On Fri, 31 Mar 2023 19:14:10 +0200
> Alvaro <> wrote:
> > Quick test OM 7.1.0 #240
> >
> > Server: Debian 11 - OM 7.1.0 #240
> >
> > Client A: Debian 11 - FF 108
> >
> > Client B: OSx 13.3 - Safari 16.4.1
> >
> > ...good cams, audio and recording.
> >
> >
> >
> > ------------
> >
> >

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