Quoting Gerald Vogt <v...@spamcop.net>:

Are you sure, the password is really correct?

Yes I'm sure I'm using the right password.

Try to call the function directly:

$ php -r 'imap_open("{localhost:143}", "username", "password", OP_HALFOPEN, 1);'

If it fails you'll see an error.

Now we're getting somewhere =)
I get a complaint about a self-signed certificate. Ending with "(errflg=2) in Unknown on line 0"

Also check the IMAP server log.

Only thing entered is:

Jul 29 11:28:11 mailweb imapd: Connection, ip=[::ffff:]
Jul 29 11:29:10 mailweb imapd: Connection, ip=[::ffff:]


/Martin S
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