Guillermo, Phoenix by default puts columns into a CF named '_'. You can
specify a different CF when creating tables or columns like this:
mycf.col1, in which case Phoenix would put "col1" column into "mycf" CF,
creating it if necessary.


On Mon, Nov 24, 2014 at 2:13 AM, Guillermo Ortiz <>

> I just started to discover Phoenix project. It looks pretty awesome.
> I don't understand some points, When I create a table, how many are
> CFs going to be created?, If I want to divide my data in two CF's, how
> could I do it?
> If I create a table from Phoenix, I guess that it's pretty hard to
> query the table from native way, right?
> Any scenario where it could be have more sense to use native-HBase than
> Phoenix?

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