Anil: Thanks for the tip about mapreduce.RowCounter. That takes about 70 
minutes, but it works!

Unfortunately, I only got about 60% of the rows I’m expecting.

Gabriel (and anyone interested):

Thanks for your response!

A few details to give context to my question:

Our cluster has 6 region servers (256 GB RAM and 8 large drives each).

Our table has about 8 billion rows, with about a dozen columns each. This is 
mostly time-series data with some details about each value.

For any given ‘node’, which is identified by the key, there are about 2,000 – 
3,000 rows.

These rows each have a different timestamp in one of the columns.

The key + timestamp is the primary key.

I created the table using Phoenix, so I don’t know what it does under the 
covers as far as column families.

My script does something like this:

    AAAA varchar not null,
    xxxx integer,
    xxxxxx varchar,
    xxxxxx varchar,
    xxxxxx integer,
    BBBB  integer not null, --unique-to-the-node timestamp of the value
    xxxxxx integer,
    xxxxxxx integer,
    xxxxxxx varchar,
    xxxxxxxx  decimal(19,6),
    xxxxxxxx  decimal(19,6)
    SPLIT ON ('AZ', 'BZ', 'CZ', 'DZ', 'EZ', 'FZ', 'GZ', 'HZ', 'IZ', 'JZ', 'KZ', 
'LZ', 'MZ', 'NZ', 'OZ', 'PZ', 'RZ', 'SZ', 'TZ', 'UZ', 'VZ', 'WZ');

As you can see, I split the table alphabetically: 1 region per letter of the 
alphabet. Since our keys are based on  customer ID (they start with customer Id 
which is 4 letters), there are a couple letters that have no indexes, so we end 
up with 4 regions per region server (24 total regions).

When I drill into the table from Ambari, I see that it is fairly 
well-distributed. Most regions have 1 million-4 million requests. A few have 
hundreds of thousands.

Queries against the table are very fast. Basically instant.

When I try to consume all the data at once via CsvBulkLoad, it runs for several 
hours. What eventually happens is that more and more map jobs fail (and retry) 
as more and more regions are busy compacting. This eventually hits a certain 
threshold where the application manager decides to fail the whole job.

For my select count(*) query that fails, I believe it is a timeout issue:

java.lang.RuntimeException: org.apache.phoenix.exception.PhoenixIOException: 
org.apache.phoenix.exception.PhoenixIOException: Failed after attempts=36, 
Tue Jun 23 07:53:36 EDT 2015, null, 
callTimeout=60000, callDuration=108925: row '' on table 'redacted' at 
hostname=redacted,60020,1434375519767, seqNum=2

        at sqlline.SqlLine$IncrementalRows.hasNext(
        at sqlline.SqlLine$TableOutputFormat.print(
        at sqlline.SqlLine.print(
        at sqlline.SqlLine$Commands.execute(
        at sqlline.SqlLine$Commands.sql(
        at sqlline.SqlLine.dispatch(
        at sqlline.SqlLine.begin(
        at sqlline.SqlLine.mainWithInputRedirection(
        at sqlline.SqlLine.main(

I am running the query from a region server node by CD’ing into 
/user/hdp/ and calling ./ <params>

I created /usr/hdp/ and added the 
configuration below, but it doesn’t seem to ‘stick’:


I understand your comments about determining whether there are any failed map 
or reduce operations. I watched each one in the application master GUI and 
didn’t notice any that failed.

Finally, I understand your point about how the HBase data must have a unique 
key. I confirmed that the source Hive table is also de-duplicated.

Thanks for any insight or hints you might have.

I’d love to be able to ingest the entire data set over night.

It’s clear that I’m missing quite a bit of data and I’m going to have to start 
over with this table…

From: Gabriel Reid []
Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2015 2:57 AM
Subject: Re: How To Count Rows In Large Phoenix Table?

Hi Zack,

Would it be possible to provide a few more details on what kinds of failures 
that you're getting, both with the CsvBulkLoadTool, and with the "SELECT 
COUNT(*)" query?

About question #1, there aren't any known bugs (that I'm aware of) that would 
cause some records to go missing in the CsvBulkLoadTool.  One thing to keep in 
mind is that failure to parse an input record won't cause the CsvBulkLoadTool 
to crash, but it will be recorded in the job counters. There are three job 
counters that are recorded: input records, failed records, and output records. 
If the "failed records" job counter is present (i.e. not zero), then that means 
that some records that were present in the input files were not imported.

About the failures that you're getting in the CsvBulkLoadTool, loading 0.5 TB 
of data (or basically any amount of data) should just work. Could you give some 
details on:
* how many records you're working with
* how many regions the output table has
* a general idea of the schema of the output table (how many columns are 
involved, how many column families are involved)
* what the specific errors are that you're getting when the import job fails

One general issue to keep in mind that can cause a difference in the number of 
records in Hive and in Phoenix is that your Phoenix table will have a primary 
key which is guaranteed unique, and this will not be the case in Hive. This can 
mean that there are multiple records in Hive that have the same values in the 
primary key columns as defined in Phoenix, but when bringing these records over 
to Phoenix they will end up as a single row. Any idea if this could be the 
situation in your setup?

- Gabriel

On Tue, Jun 23, 2015 at 6:11 AM anil gupta 
<<>> wrote:
For#2: You can use Row_Counter mapreduce job of HBase to count rows of large 
table. You dont need to write any code.
Here is the sample command to invoke:
hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.RowCounter <TABLE_NAME>

On Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 12:08 PM, Ciureanu Constantin 
<<>> wrote:

Hive can connect to HBase and insert directly into any direction.
Don't know if it also works via Phoenix...

Counting is too slow on a single threaded job /command line - you should write 
a map-reduce job, with some filter to load just the key this being really fast.

A Map-reduce job is also the solution to load data from hive to HBase (read 
from HDFS not Hive, prepare output to Phoenix format and bulk load the results).
Pe 22 iun. 2015 9:34 p.m., "Riesland, Zack" 
<<>> a scris:
I had a very large Hive table that I needed in HBase.

After asking around, I came to the conclusion that my best bet was to:

1 – export the hive table to a CSV ‘file’/folder on the HDFS
2 – Use the org.apache.phoenix.mapreduce.CsvBulkLoadTool to import the data.

I found that if I tried to pass the entire folder (~ 1/2 TB of data) to the 
CsvBulkLoadTool, my job would eventually fail.

Empirically, it seems that on our particular cluster, 20-30GB of data is the 
most that the CSVBulkLoadTool can handle at one time without so many map jobs 
timing out that the entire operation fails.

So I passed one sub-file at a time and eventually got all the data into HBase.

I tried doing a select count(*)  on the table to see whether all of the rows 
were transferred, but this eventually fails.

Today, I believe I found a set of data that is in Hive but NOT in HBase.

So, I have 2 questions:

1) Are there any known errors with the CsvBulkLoadTool such that it might skip 
some data without getting my attention with some kind of error?

2) Is there a straightforward way to count the rows in my Phoenix table so that 
I can compare the Hive table with the HBase table?

Thanks in advance!

Thanks & Regards,
Anil Gupta

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