Actually I was thinking about doing this and use UNION ALL as it’s now 
supported. I haven’t had time to test this yet but will do in near future.
Can anyone tell me is there any limitation when doing query and UNION ALL in 
number of unions you can do? Will this work out at decent speed when
doing for example 365 UNION ALL sentances?

On 12 Jul 2015, at 01:29, Behdad Forghani 
<<>> wrote:

Have you thought about putting CDRs for different days in different tables and 
join them? This allows you to drop the entire table for the day.

On Mon, Jul 6, 2015 at 10:52 AM, Matjaž Trtnik 
<<>> wrote:
Hi fellow Phoenix users!

We are considering using HBase and Phoenix for CDR data retention. Number of 
records is around 50 million per day and we should keep them for about one 
year. I have played around a bit but would like to hear second opinion from 
people who have more experience so I have few questions:

  1.  Based on your experience can anyone recommend me approx number of nodes 
in cluster and hardware configuration of one node (RAM).
  2.  Regarding row key I was thinking of Anumber + timestamp + Bnumber + jobId 
+ recordIndex. Any other ideas? Do I need to use salting or no? Let’s assume 
aNumber in most cases start with first 5 digits the same (country + operator 
code), followed by 6 random digits for user number.
  3.  Searches are typically done by Anumber and timestamp but also some other 
criterias may apply, like IMEI or IMSI number. Do you suggest to have secondary 
indexes for that? I read that if using secondary index all columns in select 
statement should be included in index as well. Keeping in mind I’m returning 
almost all columns does this mean almost double of data for each index? Any 
other suggestions how to handle this?
  4.  For time stamp, do you suggest using LONG and storing epoch time or stick 
with DATE format?
  5.  Another request is that after some time we need to be able to efficiently 
delete all CDRs that are older than let’s say 1 year. Is design of row key 
still good for that as only argument here will be timestamp? Is it possible to 
use TTL with Phoenix?

Any other suggestions and advices how to design system are more than welcomed.

Thanks, Matjaz

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