
I integrated one of the online services in my company with hbase using apache 
phoenix, after loading few millions of records I noticed that we have hotspot 
problem. All the records are going to one region as the keys are generated 
using sequence.
Usecase is: each user has 1000’s of records with combination of userid and 
second record id as rowkey (primary key uid, XXX). When user logs in we fetch 
all records by using userid and render the results to user. But updates will 
always be with combination (userid + XXX). Below are my questions.

 1.  If I salt the table using apache phoenix, is there any performance impact 
on reads as the reads has to query all regions?
 2.  If I have to salt the table, how many buckets should I use for 8 regional 
servers with 272 regions, roughly 33 regions for a regions server?
 3.  If I salt the table using phoenix, what is the effort to move away  from 
pehonix and use the hbase client directly in later times ( not that I want to 
but just checking the options)

Thanks for your help.

Vijay Vangapandu
eHarmony, Platform
Principal Software Engineer

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