Correct, James:

Phoenix-4.7.0 uses Calcite-1.6.0. This included lots of goodies includes commit/rollback support. Phoenix-4.6.0 used Calcite-1.3.0. In general, if you want to use the QueryServer, I'd strongly recommend trying to go with Phoenix-4.7.0. You'll inherit *lots* of bugfixes/improvements.

@F21: For implementing your own client, you might be interested in If you need help, please reach out (here or on A Go client would be fantastic. Making this an official-client for Avatica, it'd be great :)

@Steve, are you saying that you found PQS to also require commons-collections to be added? The phoenix-server-$VERSION-runnable.jar should contain all necessary classes -- if that's not true, that's a bug we can fix.

James Taylor wrote:
For deletes and upsets through the query server in 4.6, did you set auto
commit to be true by default (set phoenix.connection.autoCommit to
true)? In 4.7 this has been fixed, but prior to this, I believe commit
and rollback were a noop. Is that right, Josh?

On Thursday, March 24, 2016, Steve Terrell <
<>> wrote:

    I forgot to mention, although the docs say only one jar is needed, I
    found that I also had to have commons-collections-3.2.1.jar in the
    class path, too.

    On Thu, Mar 24, 2016 at 10:07 AM, Steve Terrell
    <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>> wrote:

        Hi!  Everything I say below pertains only to Phoenix 4.6.0.
        Don't know what changes in 4.7.0.

        Judging from the port number, you must be using the thin client
        server.  Have you seen this page?  .  It has JDBC info.

        I got the thin client jar to work with SQuirreL Client, but I
        found that sometimes upserts and deletes did not take effect,
        even though there was no error reply.  So I don't use the thin
        client.  (Had no problems with read-only queries.)

        So, I decided to use only
        the phoenix-4.6.0-HBase-0.98-client.jar JDBC instead for both

        In fact, I wrote my own query server that uses the latter JDBC
        connection so I can have clients that perform queries with HTTP
        without having to have a jar file.

        Hope this helps,

        On Wed, Mar 23, 2016 at 7:57 PM, F21 <
        <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>> wrote:

            I am interested in building a Go client to query the phoenix
            query server using protocol buffers.

            The query server is running on http://localhost:8765, so I
            tried POSTing to localhost:8765  with the marshalled
            protocol buffer as the body.

            Unfortunately, the server responds with:
            <meta http-equiv="Content-Type"
            <title>Error 500 </title>
            <h2>HTTP ERROR: 500</h2>
            <p>Problem accessing /. Reason:
            <pre>    Cannot find parser for 123456</pre></p>
            <hr /><i><small>Powered by Jetty://</small></i>

            "123456" is my connection-id.

            There doesn't seem to be any documentation on how to query
            the query server (i.e, which endpoints and how the
            marshalled protocol buffer should be sent). If someone could
            point me in the right direction, that would be awesome!

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