Also, setting when you launch your Java application will give you lots of very helpful information about what is happening "under the hood".

Sanooj Padmakumar wrote:
Thanks Josh and everyone else .. Shall try this suggestion

On 22 Mar 2016 09:36, "Josh Elser" <
<>> wrote:

    Keytab-based logins do not automatically spawn a renewal thread in
    Hadoop's UserGroupInformation library, IIRC. HBase's RPC
    implementation does try to automatically re-login, but if you are
    not actively making RPCs, you may miss the window in which you are
    allowed to perform a renewal.

    Commonly, you would launch your own thread to perform the renewal.
    This is something we could probably make better inside Phoenix's
    client. You could add something like the following to run
    periodically inside your application (after instantiating the
    Phoenix Driver):


    Sergey Soldatov wrote:

        Where do you see this error? Is it the client side? Ideally you
        need to renew ticket since Phoenix Driver gets the required
        information (principal name and keytab path) from jdbc connection
        string and performs User.login itself.


        On Wed, Mar 16, 2016 at 11:02 AM, Sanooj
        Padmakumar< <>>  wrote:

            This is the error in the log when it fails

            ERROR -
            PriviledgedActionException as:<principal here>  (auth:KERBEROS)
   GSS initiate failed
            [Caused by
            GSSException: No valid credentials provided (Mechanism
            level: Failed to find
            any Kerberos tgt)]

            On Wed, Mar 16, 2016 at 8:35 PM, Sanooj
            Padmakumar< <>>

                Hi Anil

                Thanks for your reply.

                We do not do anything explicitly in the code to do the
                ticket renwal ,
                what we do is run a cron job for the user for which the
                ticket has to be
                renewed.  But with this approach we need a restart to
                get the thing going
                after the ticket expiry

                We use the following connection url for getting the
                phoenix connection
                principal>:<path to

                This along with the entries in hbase-site.xml&
                core-site.xml are passed
                to the connection object

                Sanooj Padmakumar

                On Tue, Mar 15, 2016 at 12:04 AM, anil
                gupta< <>>


                    At my previous job, we had web-services fetching
                    data from a secure hbase
                    cluster. We never needed to renew the lease by
                    restarting webserver. Our app
                    used to renew the ticket. I think, Phoenix/HBase
                    already handles renewing
                    ticket. Maybe you need to look into your kerberos
                    environment settings.  How
                    are you authenticating with Phoenix/HBase?
                    Sorry, I dont remember the exact kerberos setting
                    that we had.

                    Anil Gupta

                    On Mon, Mar 14, 2016 at 11:00 AM, Sanooj


                        We have a rest style micro service application
                        fetching data from hbase
                        using Phoenix. The cluster is kerberos secured
                        and we run a cron to renew
                        the kerberos ticket on the machine where the
                        micro service is deployed.

                        But it always needs a restart of micro service
                        java process to get the
                        kerberos ticket working once after its expired.

                        Is there a way I can avoid this restart?

                        Any pointers will be very helpful. Thanks

                        PS : We have a Solr based micro service which
                        works without a restart.


                    Thanks&  Regards,
                    Anil Gupta

                Sanooj Padmakumar

            Sanooj Padmakumar

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