Hi Guys,

As I mentioned, we have been working on ORM library for  java to apache phoenix 
– Hbase.
We recently open sourced the project, this library is in production for more 
than 4 months and system is stable.

I hope this will complement the phoenix library and makes java integration 

Basically this library abstracts few things.

1.  Connection management and commits
2.  Data type trnsformations between java and phoenix queries
3.  Escaping special characters
4.  Resolved Dependancies ( we are with Hortenworks distribution)
5.  DSL like query building
6.  Generic Morphia annotations
7. Supports Queries, Upserts and bulk updates.
8. This doesn’t support any joins yet.
9. This library supports most of the commonly used operations and work in 
progress to add more operations.

Here is the link to open source project and please feel free to provide your 



Vijay Vangapandu
eHarmony, Platform
Principal Software Engineer

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