I have been trying to get tephra working, but wasn't able to get it starting successfully.

I have a HDFS and HBase 1.1 cluster running in docker containers. I have confirmed that Phoenix, HDFS and HBase are both working correctly. Phoenix and the Phoenix query server are also installed correctly and I can access the cluster using Squirrel SQL with the thin client.

Here's what I have done:

In the hbase-site.xml of the region servers and masters, add the following:



In the hbase-site.xml of the phoenix query server, add:


For the master, copy the following to hbase/lib:

Also, copy tephra and tephra-env.sh to hbase/bin

On the region server, copy the following to hbase/lib:

For the phoenix query server, copy the following to hbase/lib:

This is what I get when I try to start tephra on the master:

root@f826338-hmaster1:/opt/hbase/bin# ./tephra start
Wed Mar 30 09:54:08 UTC 2016 Starting tephra service on f826338-hmaster1.f826338
Running class co.cask.tephra.TransactionServiceMain

root@f826338-hmaster1:/opt/hbase/bin# ./tephra status
checking status
 * tephra is not running

Any pointers appreciated! :)

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