Yeah, that sound interesting.

Do you think it should be a script (command, runnable from the client
side), or some chore on master?

You're going on this route because region normalizer lacks features
you guys need?


> Circling back here and adding user@phoenix. I put together one script to dump 
> region info from the shell and find the empty ones, another to merge a given 
> region into a neighbor. We've run them without incident, looks like it all 
> works fine. One thing we did notice is that the AM leaves the old "retired" 
> regions around in its counts -- the master status page shows a large number 
> of "Other Regions". This was alarming at first, but we verified it's just an 
> artifact in the AM and in fact these regions are not on HDFS or in meta. 
> Bouncing master resolved it. No one has volunteered any alternative schema 
> designs, so as best we know, this will happen to anyone who has timestamp in 
> their rowkey (ie, anyone using Phoenix's "Row timestamp" feature [0]) and is 
> also using the TTL feature. Are folks interested in adding these scripts to 
> our distribution and our book? -n [0]: 

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