Could it be due to a mistake in your SQL?

select c1, c4, c5  from TABLE1 where (c4 = 'B')*)* AND (c1 <=
17:15:59', 'dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss'));

looks like an out of place ")".

On Thu, Sep 22, 2016 at 4:10 AM, Jure Buble <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Anyone faced same problems as we are?
> We are using phoenix 4.6 with hbase 1.1.2.
> We have multiple entries in table. When we run query on that table with
> condition for one of the columns in table, let's say for column 4,  we
> don't get hit for that condition.
> E.g.: table row has under 4th column value 'B'. If our condition is where
> column4 = 'B', we dont get hit. But if we use some different condition e.g.
> 5th column for some other value we got hit for that row.
> So query is like:
> select c1, c4, c5  from TABLE1 where (c4 = 'B')) AND (c1 <=
> TO_DATE('22.09.2016 17:15:59', 'dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss'));
> We checked if 4th column has value B in, and it is char and it is B. So it
> is really strange why we cannot use condition on 4th row and  get result.
> Strange enough when we do select c1, c4, c5   from TABLE1; we get the row
> in question.
> Hope i explained ok.
> Any thoughts on this problem?
> Regards
> Jure

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