This question is better asked on the Phoenix users list.

The phoenix-client.jar is the one you need and is unique from the phoenix-core jar. Logging frameworks are likely not easily relocated/shaded to avoid issues which is why you're running into this.

Can you provide the error you're seeing with the play framework? Specifics here will help..

On 4/19/18 1:56 PM, Lian Jiang wrote:
I am using HDP 2.6 hbase and pheonix. I created a play rest service using
hbase as the backend. However, I have trouble to get a working pheonix

I tried the pheonix-client.jar given by HDP but its logging dependency
conflicts with play's. Then I tried:

libraryDependencies += "org.apache.phoenix" % "phoenix-core" %

libraryDependencies += "org.apache.phoenix" % "phoenix-server-client" %

libraryDependencies += "org.apache.phoenix" % "phoenix-queryserver-client"
% "4.13.1-HBase-1.1"

None of them worked: "No suitable driver found".

Any idea will be highly appreciated!

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