Note, that the functionality that Thomas describes is how we intend Phoenix to work, and may not be how the 4.9 release of Phoenix works (due to changes that have been made).

On 8/23/18 12:42 PM, Thomas D'Silva wrote:
On a new cluster, the first time a client connects is when the SYSTEM tables are created. You need to connect with a user that has RWX on the SYSTEM schema the very first time. After that user1 should be able to connect. Also from the doc: Every user requires '|RX|' permissions on all Phoenix|SYSTEM|tables in order to work correctly. Users also require '|RWX|' permissions on|SYSTEM.SEQUENCE|table for using|SEQUENCES|.

On Wed, Aug 22, 2018 at 10:38 PM, Sumanta Gh < <>> wrote:


    I have a Kerberos enabled Hbase 1.2 cluster with Phoenix 4.9.
    In hbase shell, I have granted an hbase user with permission R.

    hbase shell > grant 'user1', 'R'

    Now while connecting through SqlLine, I am getting the below error -

    Insufficient permissions (
    <>, scope=default:SYSTEM.CATALOG,

    Is the Phoenix client trying to CREATE a table everytime? For this
    issue, I am not able to create an absolute read-only user of Hbase.
    NB : All Phoenix tables are already created

    Kindly help to resolve this issue.


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