Are you trying to use the thick driver (direct HBase connection) or the thin driver (via Phoenix Query Server)? You're providing examples of both.

If the thick driver: by default, I believe that HDI configures a root znode of "/hbase" not "/hbase-unsecure" which would be a problem. You need to pass your ZK quorum which makes your 2nd HDI "example" nonsensical. You can read the Phoenix home page for information about how to construct a Phoenix JDBC URL for the thick driver at

If you are still having troubles, I'd suggest that you clarify exactly what you want to do (rather than everything you tried) and include the error you ran into.

On 11/27/18 7:54 AM, Raghavendra Channarayappa wrote:
Dear all,

My current problem is fairly trivial, i guess, but I am currently stuck on this.

The following was the JDBC connection string for Phoenix on EMR


which worked perfectly fine.

But, for Phoenix on Azure HDInsight(which uses HDP2.6.0), I am unable to figure out the equivalent JDBC url

The following options which *DID NOT* work:
*Azure HDInsight Ambari Dashboard URL as the server_url:* jdbc:phoenix:thin:url=;serialization=PROTOBUF;autocommit=true *Phoenix Query Servers(comma-separated) as the server_url:* <>, <>, <>, *Zookeeper Quorum(comma-separated) as the server_url:* <>, <>,

Where can I find the JDBC url in Ambari dashboard?

Thanks in advance,


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