Great answer, Aleksandr!

Also worth mentioning there is only ever one active HBase Master at a time. If you have multiple started, one will be active as the master and the rest will be waiting as a standby in case the current active master dies for some reason (expectedly or unexpectedly).

On 8/7/19 9:55 AM, Aleksandr Saraseka wrote:
- Phoenix libs should be installed only on RegionServers.
- QueryServer - it's up to you, PQS can be installed anywhere you want
- No. QueryServer is using ZK quorum to get everything it needs
- If you need to balance traffic with multiply PQSs - then yes, but again - it's up to you. It is not required multiply PQSs if you have multiply HBase masters.

On Wed, Aug 7, 2019 at 12:58 AM jesse < <>> wrote:

    Our cluster used to have one hbase master, now a secondary is added.
    For phonenix, what changes should we make?
      - do we have to install new hbase libraries on the new hbase
    master node?
    - do we need to install new query server on the hbase master?
    - any configuration changes should we make?
    - do we need an ELB for the query server?


                Aleksandr Saraseka
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