"phoenix-queryserver-client" is the name of the Maven module which holds the required code for the "JDBC thin client", aka PQS client, aka "queryserver client".

Maven convention is that a jar with the name of the Maven module is created.

However, the majority of the code for the thin client is pulled from another Apache project. In fact, we only have one piece of code that we maintain client-side to connect to PQS.

That third party code _does_ need to be included on the classpath for you to use the client. Thus, a shaded jar is created, with the human-readable name "thin-client" to make it very clear to you that this is the jar the use.

The Maven build shows how all of this work.

On 9/18/19 8:04 PM, jesse wrote:
It seems it is just the sqllinewrapper client, so confusing name...

On Wed, Sep 18, 2019, 4:46 PM jesse <chat2je...@gmail.com <mailto:chat2je...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    For query via PQS, we are using phoenix-4.14.2-HBase-1.4-thin-client.jar

    Then what is purpose and usage
    of phoenix-queryserver-client-4.14.2-HBase-1.4.jar?


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