
Olga Natkovich wrote:
I am fine with them "as-is"


-----Original Message-----
From: Alan Gates [mailto:ga...@yahoo-inc.com] Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 2010 1:16 PM
To: Thejas M Nair
Cc: pig-u...@hadoop.apache.org
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] Apache Pig bylaws

Comments inlined. However, I feel like we're getting stuck in a rathole on this one issue of consensus and 2/3's votes. So I would like to ask two questions now:

1) Are there any other issues besides voting we feel should be discussed before we move to a vote? 2) For those who have expressed concern about the voting, are these concerns enough to make you not vote for these bylaws, or can you live with it as is? I am concerned that this discussion could go on with point and counter point ad infinitum. I'm more interested in having bylaws than in having perfect bylaws. We can amend them as necessary as we go.


On Oct 4, 2010, at 9:28 AM, Thejas M Nair wrote:

The bylaws look good, but I would like to raise two issues -

Shouldn¹t the majority requirement for changing the bylaws be more strict
than those required by the actions in bylaws ?
For example, the bylaw for removing a committer requires a consensus, but for changing this by-law requires only 2/3rd majority. Ie, effectively,
2/3rd majority can remove a committer !
Should changing the bylaws should require consensus as well?

I don't want to make it consensus to change the bylaws, as that would make changing bylaws _very_ hard. I want removing a committer to be _very_ hard.

And, in defense of having changing procedure require a lower vote than the procedure, I would invoke the practices of the US Senate. A simple majority vote would suffice to remove the need for 3/5 majority (60 votes) for cloture, yet even when one party has 50 but not 60 votes (as has been common lately) neither has removed it for fear of having it used against them later. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloture#United_States for details.

Should we consider another unlikely situation ? - What if two committers are
unable to communicate for long duration for some reason (stuck on some
lonely island without internet!)? Actions that require consensus approval would not be possible. (you can't remove a inactive voter and then have
another consensus vote because two voters are missing).
Should we have a maximum duration for casting votes that require consensus ?
(2 months ?)

My attempt to deal with the Lost scenario was the addition of the sentence saying that votes should not be called when we knew members would be unavailable.

Also, I want to clarify the difference between inactive committers/PMC members and members being removed. Moving to emeritus status is automatic upon inactivity. ("A PMC member is considered 'emeritus' by their own declaration or by not contributing in any form to the project for over six months. An emeritus member may request reinstatement to the PMC, which will be sufficient to restore him or her to active PMC member.") Also, moving to emeritus status is not considered a bad thing. It simply reflects that the person is no longer able to be a part of the project on a regular basis. Removing someone by vote is a bad thing, akin to being voted off the island (to switch island TV show analogies), is certainly not automatic, and should only happen in extreme circumstances.


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