Dare I ask why such a query would be used? AFAICT the second group
operation would just stick each record in a bag and create an extra
copy of group on the outside of the bag (but use up a lot more
computational power than a UDF that would just do the same thing


On Thu, Dec 09, 2010 at 03:34:58PM -0800, Lin Guo wrote:
> A = load 'foo.txt' using PigStorage as (x : chararray, y : int);
> B = group A by x;
> C = group B by group;
> describe C;
> -- we got
> -- C: {group: chararray,B: {group: chararray,A: {x: chararray,y: int}}}
> D = foreach C generate B.(group, A);  -- this works
> describe D;
> E = foreach C generate B.(group, A.(x));
> describe E;
> --- pig returns syntax error, but should this work? Or is there a patch for 
> it?
> thanks,
> lin

Kris Coward                                     http://unripe.melon.org/
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