This sounds like a bug. I'll check it out tomorrow.

On Sat, Feb 19, 2011 at 7:04 PM, sonia gehlot <>wrote:

> Here is an example, Hope this will help. I am running this on Pig 0.8
> version.
> Sample data in text file
> sample1.txt
> John USA 1234 900
> Ron California 1432 400
> Sam NY 5432 400
> Bill UK 5647 645
> abc = LOAD '/user/sgehlot/test_data/sample1.txt' as (name: chararray,
> country: chararray, website: chararray, sess_id: int, page_id: int);
> case_abc = FOREACH abc GENERATE
>  name,
> country,
> ((website matches '.*.google..*') ? sess_id : null ) as google_user,
>  ((page_id == 400) ? sess_id : null) as other_user;
> DUMP case_abc;
> ------------------
> result of DUMP case_abc;
> (John,USA,1234,)
> (Ron,California,,1432)
> (Sam,NY,,5432)
> (Bill,UK,5647,)
> -----------------
> gen_case = FOREACH case_abc GENERATE name, country, google_user,
> other_user;
> DUMP gen_case;
> ---------------
> result of DUMP gen_case;
> (John,USA,1234,1234)
> (Ron,California,,)
> (Sam,NY,,)
> (Bill,UK,5647,5647)
> You can see in 1st DUMP if conditions are working fine. Then in 2nd dump
> after 2nd foreach it messed up with if conditions.
> Let me know if it does make any sense.
> Sonia
> On Sat, Feb 19, 2011 at 4:55 PM, Dmitriy Ryaboy <>wrote:
>> Hi Sonia,
>> Looks like something went wrong in your pasting of the Pig code. Could you
>> try again, and also add some sample inputs/outputs?
>> As in, contents of join_pe_pre, contents of case_state, and contents of
>> gen_values that illustrate the problem and allow us to reproduce it.
>> Also please tell us what version of Pig you are using.
>> Thanks,
>> -D
>> On Sat, Feb 19, 2011 at 3:39 PM, sonia gehlot <>wrote:
>>> Hi Guys,
>>> I getting wired error while running my pig script.
>>>   *case_state = FOREACH join_pe_pre GENERATE*
>>> *  f1, f2, f3, f4,   (*
>>> *                  (f5 '.*.facebook..*')*
>>> *                  ? f10*
>>> *                  : null*
>>> *          ) as facebook_referrals,*
>>> *
>>> *
>>> *          (*
>>> *                  (*
>>> *                          (f6 == 1)*
>>> *                          AND*
>>> *                          (f7 == 2000)*
>>> *                          AND*
>>> *                          (f8 == 1)*
>>> *                  )*
>>> *                  ? f10*
>>> *                  : null*
>>> *          ) as cd_referrals,*
>>> *
>>> *
>>> *          (*
>>> *                  (*
>>> *                          (f7 == 1770)*
>>> *                          OR*
>>> *                          (f7 == 1771)*
>>> *                  )*
>>> *                  ? f10*
>>> *                  : null*
>>> *          ) as nm_referrals;*
>>> *
>>> *
>>> *DUMP case_state;*
>>> Here when I am doing DUMP case_state I am getting desired results, proper
>>> case values for facebook_referrals, cd_referrals and nm_referrals
>>> *gen_values = FOREACH case_state GENERATE *;*
>>> *
>>> *
>>> *DUMP gen_values; *
>>> *
>>> *
>>> But after this if I do simple FOREACH GENERATE everything again at this
>>> moment I am getting same values for  facebook_referrals, cd_referrals
>>> and nm_referrals. All these three values are same as whatever the value
>>> of
>>> first if else.
>>> I could able to figure out what could be the possible reason of this.
>>> Please let me know if I am doing anything wrong.
>>> Thanks in advance.
>>> Sonia

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