I see that there are a few LoadCaster implementations in pig 0.8.  There's the 
Utf8StorageConverter, the HBaseBinaryConverter, and a couple of others.

The HBaseStorage class uses the Utf8StorageConverter by default but can be 
configured to use the HBaseBinaryConverter.  Also it's just used as a 
LoadCaster and I don't see where it uses a StoreCaster at all - like the 
LoadFunc interface has a getLoadCaster method to override, but I can't find 
anything that has a getStoreCaster or getLoadStoreCaster method to override.

Anyway, so I'm using the Cassandra loadfunc and getting LongType data returned 
with some special characters and I thought it might be because I'm not using a 
LoadCaster to convert to Pig types.  So I tried both the UtfStorageConverter as 
well as created my own CassandraBinaryConverter (implementing LoadStoreCaster) 
to convert from Cassandra types to and from Pig basic types.  Neither work 
though and I'm still getting the special character stuff when I dump to the 

Any ideas on why LongTypes would be returning something like this: � as a value 
in a tuple?  It's showing up just as a normal Long value on the cassandra cli.  
Oh, and I'm loading it with:

rows = load 'cassandra://MyKeyspace/MyColumnFamily' using CassandraStorage() as 
(key, columns: bag{T: tuple(name, value)});
A = limit rows 10;
dump A;

The value is the thing that is coming out seemingly encoded.



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