Thanks for reporting. Opened for that.


On 04/04/2011 09:38 AM, William F. Dowling wrote:
I am a new pig and hadoop user, working my way through some simple
examples in

In the section "Reduce Your Operator Pipeline" of the cookbook, are
these examples:
A = load 'data' as (in: map[]);
-- get key out of the map
B = foreach A generate in#k1 as k1, in#k2 as k2;
B = foreach A generate CONCAT(in#k1, in#k2);

When I tried running those I get messages like this:

grunt>  B = foreach A generate in#k1 as k1, in#k2 as k2;
2011-04-04 12:27:36,525 [main] ERROR - ERROR 1000: Error during parsing. 
Encountered "<IDENTIFIER>  "k1 "" at line 1, column 27.
Was expecting one of:
     "null" ...
     <QUOTEDSTRING>  ...
     <QUOTEDSTRING>  ...
     "null" ...

Quoting the key name seems to work:

grunt>  B = foreach A generate in#'k1' as k1, in#'k2' as k2;

I'm mentioning this in case other newbies run into the same thing, or if the 
cookbook is being maintained.

BTW Thanks to the Pig developers! It's a great tool.

William F Dowling

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