I'm pretty sure that Java's string handling already has something to do
this, so you could probably call that the same way you'd call a UDF
(assuming there isn't some pig latin to do the job for you). On the
other hand, I think the call for that might be a method in the String
class and don't know if pig has a nice way of calling a data type's
methods. Now I'm curious if such a feature exists.


On Fri, Apr 13, 2012 at 02:17:48PM +0200, Shin Chan wrote:
> Hi all,
>  How to replace some value in string at particular location
>  For example
>  abcd
>  Replace values from index 0-1 with mn
>  mncd as output
>  Any built in UDF or i should write own UDF?.
>  I checked existing Replace method , it replaces value to some another value.
> Thanks and Regards ,

Kris Coward                                     http://unripe.melon.org/
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