Hello List,

I am using Clouderas distribution (cdh3u3) which comes with pig-0.8.1.

I have written a UDF extending FilterFunc that checks if the provided
string is contained within the specified column of the current tuple:

I have also written some TestCases:

The odd thing is, that only TestCase testFilteringClusterWithOR1 fails
because the result has not the expected length of 3 but is of length 2
instead (line 177 in http://pastebin.com/Uwje7v1V). After a lot of
investigating I still can not find out why testFilteringCluster and
testFilteringClusterWithOR2 succeed but not testFilteringClusterWithOR1.
Is there a special prerequisite for making my FilterFunc usabel within
OR ? Maybe I have missed something very obvious... Please help me figure
this out!

Johannes Schwenk

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