Could you send me your hadoop and hbase config files???

    Mohammad Tariq

On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 1:18 PM, Mohammad Tariq <> wrote:
> "HBase is able to connect to ZooKeeper but the connection closes
> immediately." - This error means that your HMaster is not able to talk
> to your Namenode.
> Regards,
>     Mohammad Tariq
> On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 1:12 PM, lulynn_2008 <> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> hadoop-core-*.jar and commons-configuration-1.6.jar have been in hbase lib 
>> directory. jobtracker node can get correct hbase configuration, but 
>> tasktracker node can not.
>> At 2012-06-13 15:35:21,"Mohammad Tariq" <> wrote:
>>>   Copy the hadoop-core-*.jar from your hadoop folder to the hbase/lib
>>>folder.Also copy commons-configuration-1.6.jar from hadoop/lib folder
>>>to hbase/lib folder...Some times due to incompatible jars this may
>>> it and see if it works for you.
>>>    Mohammad Tariq
>>>On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 12:34 PM, lulynn_2008 <> wrote:
>>>>  Hi everyone,
>>>> Following is mine test environment:
>>>> node 1:namenode, secondarynamenode, jobtracker, hbase master
>>>> node 2:datanode, tasktracker
>>>> In node 1, I run following COMMANDS in pig shell, but I found map task 
>>>> failed in tasktracker node with error "HBase is able to connect to 
>>>> ZooKeeper but the connection closes immediately.". This mean tasktracker 
>>>> did not get current hbase configuration. But I can find the correct hbase 
>>>> configuration in jobtracker node. Seems tasktracker node did not get 
>>>> configuration from jobtracker node, but get configuration from hadoop 
>>>> classpath in tasktracker node.
>>>> I think tasktracker node should get hbase configuration from jobtracker 
>>>> node, but not from local hadoop classpath. Am I correct?
>>>> In tasktracker side, after I add hbase-site.xml to hadoop classpath, the 
>>>> test case passed.
>>>> My question is: how tasktracker node get hbase configuration from 
>>>> tasktracker side? From jobtracker side(included in *.jar file transferred 
>>>> by jobtracker node) or local hadoop classpath?
>>>> REGISTER /home/pig/Rules.jar;
>>>> REGISTER '/home/pig/zookeeper.jar';
>>>> REGISTER '/home/pig/guava-r06.jar';
>>>> REGISTER '/home/pig/hbase-0.90.5.jar';
>>>> test = LOAD 'hbase://table' USING 
>>>> org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.hbase.HBaseStorage( 'd:sWords','-loadKey 
>>>> true') AS (ID: bytearray  , Words:chararray );
>>>> result = FOREACH test GENERATE ID, com.nice.rules.RunRules(Words);
>>>> --result = FOREACH AA GENERATE com.nice.rules.RunRules(Words), ID;
>>>> --dump result;
>>>> store result into 'table' using 
>>>> org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.hbase.HBaseStorage('d:drools_cat');
>>>> --store result into 'AA_10_categs' using 
>>>> org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.hbase.HBaseStorage('d:cat');

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