
If you look at the source code of REPLACE, what it does is basically:

String source = "[02/Aug/2012:05:01:17";
> String target ="[";
> String replaceWith = "";
> return source.replaceAll(source, target, replaceWith);

Note that Java String.replaceAll() takes a regular expression for the 2nd
parameter (i.e. target), and "[" is a special character. To use it as is,
you have to escape it, so in your Pig script, you should do:


Now regarding the result that you're seeing, it looks like whatever
exception is thrown inside REPLACE is swallowed rather than makes the job
fail, and null is returned:

>             ...
>         }catch(Exception e){
>             warn("Failed to process input; error - " + e.getMessage(),
> PigWarning.*UDF_WARNING_1*);
>             return null;
>         }

But I do see the following message at the end of the job status:

2012-08-17 16:51:25,061 [main] WARN
- Encountered *Warning UDF_WARNING_1* 1 time(s)

I must admit that this is not very visible though.


On Mon, Aug 13, 2012 at 10:03 PM, MiaoMiao <liy...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I used pig to do some ETL job, but met with a strange bug of the
> built-in REPLACE function.
> After I replace '[' with '' in '[02/Aug/2012:05:01:17' , the whole
> string just went blank.
> Here I posted some info that may help debug.
> My pig version is: Apache Pig version 0.11.0-SNAPSHOT (r1364475)
> compiled Jul 23 2012, 10:30:53
> The original text file:
> ip.ip.ip.ip - - [02/Aug/2012:05:01:17 -0600] "GET
> /player.php/sid/XNDM0Njk3MjEy/v.swf HTTP/1.1" 302 26
> The whole pig script is :
> read = load '/home/test/apacheLog'
> using PigStorage(' ')
> as (
>           ip:chararray
>         , indentity:chararray
>         , name:chararray
>         , date:chararray
>         , timezone:chararray
>         , method:chararray
>         , path:chararray
>         , protocol:chararray
>         , status:chararray
>         , size:chararray
> );
> dump read;
> --(ip.ip.ip.ip,-,-,[02/Aug/2012:05:01:17,-0600],"GET,/player.php/sid/XNDM0Njk3MjEy/v.swf,HTTP/1.1",302,26)
> data = foreach read generate
>           ip
>         , REPLACE(date,'[','')
>         , REPLACE(timezone,']','')
>         , REPLACE(method,'"','')
>         , path
>         , REPLACE(protocol,'"','')
>         , status
>         , size;
> describe data;
> --data: {ip: chararray,date: chararray,timezone: chararray,method:
> chararray,path: chararray,protocol: chararray,status: chararray,size:
> chararray}
> dump data;
> --(ip.ip.ip.ip,,-0600,GET,/player.php/sid/XNDM0Njk3MjEy/v.swf,HTTP/1.1,302,26)

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