woops, wrong listserv :)

2013/4/5 Jonathan Coveney <jcove...@gmail.com>

> The following gist illustrates my question:
> https://gist.github.com/jcoveney/5320422
> It seems pretty surprising to me that all of these cases all return 1.0,
> at least in python (I will now do this in Java, it's just more verbose). Is
> this an issue with python? Is this an issue period? Is this unexpected?
> At the very least, if you write 1 to ["int", "double"] you'd expect that
> it'd get serialized as an int? Or is there a set of rules governing which
> primitive type to choose? Is it implementation dependent?
> Also, the case where it throws an error, then returns 0 seems completely
> wrong. Why would it do that at all? Is it that once it throws an error, it
> gets into an inconsistent state and nothing is guaranteed?
> Thanks for helping me understand this!

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