Hi, Q1:I have a question about how to use filter on tuple. The code is: -------------------------------------------------------- REGISTER pig.jar; raw = LOAD 'data.txt' USING PigStorage('|') AS (phoneNum, tag, flow, duration, count); sumed = FOREACH (GROUP raw BY (phoneNum, tag)){ totalFlow = SUM(raw.flow); totalDuration = SUM(raw.duration); totalCount = SUM(raw.count); GENERATE flatten(group), TOTUPLE(tutalFlow, totalDuration, totalCount) AS condition; }; filtered = FILTER sumed BY com.filter.TagFilter(condition); DUMP filtered; -------------------------------------------------------- But I got an error: ERROR 1045: <file reduce.pig, line 9, column 23> Could not infer the matching function for com.filter.TagFilter as multiple or none of them fit. Please use an explicit cast. Is there anything wrong?
Q2:how to deal with dity datas. there are some dity datas in my files, such as; $cat data.txt 1|2|3|4|5|6 2|3|4|5|6| 0|2|3| 7|7||0|| The third line is dity data for me. I want to filter it. But no matter SIZE(),COUNT() or anything else, I can't filter it. Is there any function or method to solve this question?