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On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 11:18 PM, Russell Jurney

> I think a Storm backend for Pig would be AWESOME. Btw, check out
> HStreaming. It's not FOSS, but shows there is demand.
> Russell Jurney
> On Jul 23, 2013, at 9:53 AM, Pradeep Gollakota <>
> wrote:
> Hi Pig Developers,
> I wanted to reach out to you all and ask for you opinion on something.
> As a Pig user, I have come to love Pig as a framework. Pig provides a great
> set of abstractions that make working with large datasets easy. Currently
> Pig is only backed by hadoop. However, with the new rise of Twitter Storm
> as a distributed real time processing engine, Pig users are missing out on
> a great opportunity to be able to work with Pig in Storm. As a user of Pig,
> Hadoop and Storm, and keeping with the Pig philosophy of "Pigs live
> anywhere," I'd like to get your thoughts on starting the implementation of
> a Pig backend for Storm.
> Thanks
> Pradeep

"...:::Aniket:::... Quetzalco@tl"
  • Pig and Storm Pradeep Gollakota
    • Re: Pig and Storm Aniket Mokashi

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