Looks like you have corrupted avro files / NOT avro files inside catalog.
Or your files have different schema.

Try to read about AvroStorage and run it using debug key (see doc
https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/PIG/AvroStorage). It sohuld
help you to get the idea where things go wrong.

lobal Parameters

   - debug n
   Users can check debug information using this option where *n* represents
   the debug level:
   1. Show names of some function calls when *n>=3*;
   2. Show details when *n>=5*.

2013/10/1 Yang <teddyyyy...@gmail.com>

> I had this code:
> a = load 'myfile.avro' USING AvrotStorage();
> ....
> it works fine.
> but after I change 'myfile' to 'mydirectory/path/' or 'mydirectory/path/*',
> it loads nothing, and gave an error :"Schema for a unknown."
> I guess the AvroStorage() does not provide the ability to load multiple
> files? ----- I remember the default PigStorage does allow file globs to be
> loaded
> thanks!
> yang

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