Really dumb question but... when running in MapReduce mode, is your input
file on HDFS?

On Tue, Nov 5, 2013 at 9:17 AM, Sameer Tilak <> wrote:

> Dear Pig experts,
> I have the following Pig script that works perfectly in local mode.
> However, in the mapreduce mode I get AU as :
> $HADOOP_CONF_DIR fs -cat /scratch/AU/part-m-00000
> Warning: $HADOOP_HOME is deprecated.
> {}
> {}
> {}
> {}
> Both the local mode and the mapreduce mode relation A is set correctly.
> Can anyone please tell me what are the recommended ways for debugging the
> script in mapreduce mode -- logging utilities etc.
> /users/p529444/software/pig-0.11.1/contrib/piggybank/java/piggybank.jar;
> REGISTER /users/p529444/software/pig-0.11.1/parser.jar
> DEFINE SequenceFileLoader
> A = LOAD '/scratch/file.seq' USING SequenceFileLoader AS (key: chararray,
> value: chararray);
> STORE A into '/scratch/A';
> AU
>  = FOREACH A GENERATE parser.Parser(key) AS {(id: int, class: chararray,
>  name: chararray, begin: int, end: int, probone: chararray, probtwo:
> chararray)};
> STORE AU into '/scratch/AU';

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