
Pig 0.12.0 does work with Hadoop-2.2.0, but you need to recompile Pig first.

In your $PIG_HOME, run the following command to rebuild Pig:

`ant clean jar-withouthadoop -Dhadoopversion=23`

Then, try re-running your script.

On 1/9/14, 5:13 PM, Mariano Kamp wrote:

I am trying to run the first pig sample from the Hadoop - The definitive guide 
- book.

Unfortunately that doesn't work for me.

I downloaded 0.12.0 and got the impression it should work with Hadoop 2.2.
14 October, 2013: release 0.12.0 available
This release include several new features such as ASSERT operator, Streaming UDF, 
new AvroStorage, IN/CASE >operator, BigInteger/BigDecimal data type, support 
for Windows.
This release works with Hadoop 0.20.X, 1.X, 0.23.X and 2.X

I use Hadoop 2.x.
snow:bin mkamp$ which hadoop

snow:bin mkamp$ echo $HADOOP_HOME

But no matter if HADOOP_HOME is set or not I get a couple of errors and it 
doesn't work if I run the script:

records = LOAD 'micro-tab/sample.txt'
AS (year:chararray, temperature:int, quality:int);
DUMP records;

All hell breaks lose and there is a lot of output, but most seems meaningless, 
warnings about settings that are deprecated in Hadoop, but still delivered by 
default this way.

Hard to say what is relevant. Here are some excerpts, full output attached as 

 From the logfile:

Unexpected System Error Occured: java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Found 
interface >org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.JobContext, but class was expected

ERROR 1066: Unable to open iterator for alias records
From the console:

2014-01-09 22:24:45,976 [main] WARN  org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop20.PigJobControl 
- falling back to default >JobControl (not using hadoop 0.20 ?)
java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: runnerState
at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredField(

But as a little googling indicated, this is business as usual?

2014-01-09 22:24:49,228 [JobControl] ERROR 
org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.jobcontrol.JobControl - Error >while trying to 
run jobs.
java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Found interface 
org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.JobContext, but class >was expected

Failed to read data from "hdfs://localhost/user/mkamp/micro-tab/sample.txt"

That last one looks interesting. Maybe I am using it wrong and the reported 
errors are not related? I wanted to read from the local file system.

So I also changed the script to read from hdfs, but that didn't change the 

Any ideas where to go from here?

Is it possible to run the latest Hadoop binary download and the latest Pig 
binary download together?

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